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Posts posted by VShadow

  1. 17 hours ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Realistic scale is scaled to real life and stock scale is scaled to the stock system. I've gotten rid of the whole stock-scale real-scale thing. The newest version of extrasolar is a lot better, why don't you use that?

    ah right was going through Ckan and that is what there was on there will do it manually then

  2. On 29/03/2017 at 10:05 PM, magico13 said:

    Yes and no. Maybe. It's supposed to, but there's a fairly specific order that you have to follow for it to work correctly but I can't find the post that somebody made explaining it. If I remember correctly, it's to set your desired launch site in the editor when you build, then build it and go about your business, then when you go to roll out the vessel to the pad (maybe only when you press the launch button) you have to go back into the editor and make sure that launchpad is selected. Otherwise everything blows up. It used to work nicely without requiring you to switch the launch site in the editor but a change in Kerbal Konstructs or KSP caused it so it goes nuts if KCT tries to launch at a site that isn't the one selected by KK. That might be fixable, but I haven't looked at it in a long while.

    Think I found it. it was hidden in the new Kerbin - side Thread will put it here for anyone else who wants to know

    On 09/02/2017 at 4:17 AM, panarchist said:

    You can, it's just really easy to crash the game if you don't do things in the right order.

    1. Enter VAB/SPH (this example will use VAB)
    2. Build a rocket
    3. At some point before leaving VAB or clicking "Build" in KCT in VAB, choose your launch site from KK. (Make NOTE which one you choose!)
    4. Click "Build" in KCT
    5. After the rocket is done, before launching, click the little asterisk button to the left of the name
    6. Select "Choose Launchsite" or whatever it's called
    7. Choose the SAME site chosen while in VAB/SPH
    8. Click "Rollout" if a rocket, and when rolled out, "Launch" (you might select the site again to be safe)

    Selecting the site in KK in VAB/SPH loads it - selecting the same site in KCT is what avoids the crash.  The big problem is that with KS complete installed, KCTs site list is taller than the screen and doesn't scroll.

    TLDR; it works, but has issues.

  3. Just realised I posted in the old thread (D'OH) so here is what I posted there as this thread is more active.

    been having a bit of fun with this mod today, had no idea it had all the facility staff management aspects, which is pretty cool but gave me a few questions.

    1. how do I change if a facility is available at the start of a game or needs to be opened/bought.

    2. anyone know if the tracker/ radar works like stock ground stations, with only needing to be opened?

    3. does this work with the multiplayer mod?

    4. Is it possible to make the buildings destructible? (or is that a question for Kerbal Konstructs)


    Have had some nice Ideas of things I could do using the things within this mod, and have only just started scratching the surface of both KK and K-S and I am liking what I see.

  4. been having a bit of fun with this mod today, had no idea it had all the facility staff management aspects, which is pretty cool but gave me a few questions.

    1. how do I change if a facility is available at the start of a game or needs to be opened/bought.

    2. anyone know if the tracker/ radar works like stock ground stations, with only needing to be opened?

    3. does this work with the multiplayer mod?

    4. Is it possible to make the buildings destructible? (or is that a question for Kerbal Konstructs)


    Have had some nice Ideas of things I could do using the things within this mod, and have only just started scratching the surface of both KK and K-S and I am liking what I see.

  5. On 22/03/2017 at 4:26 PM, eberkain said:

    I had this issue with the wheels the other day, you have to get them turned the right direction.  I looked at the back of the wheel before attaching it, make sure the piston things are vertical and the V shaped part has the larger bit at the top.  At least I think that is how I got it to work.  

    Thanks yep that has solved the issue, had a lot of fun drifting round the KSC

  6. Was looking for a mod to give me the little utility trucks and found that it was in this mod, and that someone had taken it over and made it compatible with 1.2!

    Found an issue with the tuck wheels where they don't seem to work, they just spin not making the vehicle move. if you need more info I can look to getting a log for you.


    Also slightly off topic but can anyone point me in the direction for a download of KSC++ as the link on the original thread does not work any more.

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