Yes, it's just the box, the smallest drogue chute and two sepratrons. Btw, I use the offset tool with snap enabled to move the parachute to the center after placing it. If it's not dead center, the thing will spin wildly and will not get anywhere.
Both the box and the chute have fairly high heat resistance, but the engines get very close to exploding. They might do that with some launch vectors, but we don't really care about them. It also helps that the thing is very light compared to drag produced, so it slows down quickly.
A lighter alternative is possible with an almost empty Oscar-B and an engine for ants. It works just as well, but when launching, you have to disable all other engines, throttle up, stage the engine and only then stage the decoupler, otherwise the engine won't fire. It's probably more practical for actual missions, and lower on the tech tree too. Does not have the same marketing appeal though.
However, due to its lower thrust, you can do more fancy stuff (scientific term) with it. For example, use the launching vehicle to impart a tiny amount of rotation to it ("bending the launch" ), and launch it from the worst possible locations that way, like the most prograde point on the Mun, inside a crater. (I did not launch it from within a crater, but the trajectory is high enough that I could have. We live and we learn).
Admittedly, yes, this took me 36 tries, but maybe a real rocket scientist could do it more reliably?