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Everything posted by CubertFarnsworth

  1. Yes, the option of adjusting the aspect ratio is definitely needed.
  2. Going on my first asteroid capture EVER and I am experimenting with my build. It sits on four (4) Advanced Grabbing Units pointing down. Now my question is will the Advanced Grabbing Units grab the asteroid when I "land" on it. The reason I ask is because my Advanced Grabbing Units are not grabbing the launch pad when I send my ship to launch and also it did not grab the surface of Minmus when I touched down on it. Thanks
  3. What is most cost effective laptop I could buy and still run KSP on highest settings along with mods
  4. Just took this bad boy for a spin.....nice! Very jealous how it can hit Ma1 without afterburners. Got it up to Ma2.8
  5. Any ideas on why this design cannot hit Mach 1? Even leveled out I can only get to 305 m/s or so.
  6. I tried to make something where the root build was upside down and the same thing would happen to me. Once I flipped it back over, that fixed it. I think you can re-root it in the hangar but once out in the field you would have problems. Maybe there is a Mod that can re-root your ship in flight. New player myself as well.
  7. I will be adding to this OP as I discover new bugs but here is what I have experienced so far: 1- Saves are very odd. Whenever I make a save and try to load that save, sometimes it starts an old save but if I go back to the Space Center and try to load my save from there, then it will load my correct. And sometimes when I load a save it sends me back to the Space Center, but not in the correct save, but from there again I can load the save again and it will be correct. 2- Air Controls get corrupted after a 10 minute plus Surface flight. The trim settings no longer function correctly and my left roll no longer works, even when I pick advanced flight. I have to do a complete barrel roll to orientate myself horizontally again. The work around here is to reload the game. 3- The "B" button does not work on long space flights after a while. And I have noticed that it happens more often if I heavily use the "B" button to select modules. The work around is that I have to reload the game at a save point. And even when I do, then on that particular mission the "B" button not working occurs more frequently. 4- If I have too many saves then I can no longer save my current progress, and also I can not select recover vessel or go back to the space center. Work around here is to delete saves. It happens when I have about 12 saves or more in my inventory load page. If you guys have found something else please post it. KSP is an amazing game......Lets fix it as a community!
  8. Ahhhh.... so if you're in a separate biome then you can take a different test. Thank you
  9. I did do that, by going EVA and taking the data, but if I collect more than ONE data then when I get back in the pod it now says something about being able to save ONLY one set of data. Therefore discarding the rest. Is there an upgrade I need to make?
  10. Just started playing this game on Xbox. I do not have a PC that can run this game. I have been watching the tutorials from Scott Manley, amazing content by the way, and I have noticed that he can click and collect data/science and then later on do it again from the same item/module. Whenever I do that, it asks if I want to over ride my existing information. Am I doing something wrong or is this just a different version. The video that I am watching right now is Kerbal Space Program - Career Mode Guide For Beginners - Part 9, and it has a publish date of May 10, 2015. That is almost a year and a half ago, so I am going to go out on a limb here and say that is probably a different version. Video link:
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