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Everything posted by Takamiki

  1. think my main problem with that 2nd pod is that it wasn't completely on the ground (had wheels on it just in case) so it was a little elevated and my Kerbals just couldn't reach the door and no way to grab onto it(didn't put any ladders didn't think i need it)
  2. i forgot you can eva by clicking the hatch (been a while since i repicked up KSP) also i tried the other smaller cabin and while i can EVA through that way i can't get back in (won't let me board it) so might be a good idea to check all the cabins to see if 1.2 broke them too?
  3. all i know is that when using it there is no crew portrait at the corner it is suppose to be and without that idk how else i will get them to EVA out of it Edit i wonder is this mod incompatible with the mod Portrait Stats? only thing i can think of that is making me unable to see them when using your mod
  4. so first time i am trying this mod, but when using the Airship Gondola 5mtr i can't seem to EVA any of the 4 crew in it, any way how or reason why?
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