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Everything posted by GirlFlyer101

  1. While the flickering (its more than just flickering, my whole entire contract list, engineers report can be completely blank for a long time. Also, when you load a ship, part of the load menu appears at the bottom of the screen for me. You can't interact with it, but it definitely should not be there) may not be directly caused by CRP, somehow the way the definitions interact with core program, in the end causes the problem. I can take the mod out, and the game works just fine. For now I've been living with it, because if you remove it any mod that uses resources is unusable without it. I'm wondering if one of the definitions might be out of range causing an overflow into some vital part of memory. Probably not, but can't see how this mod could cause an issue unless something in the definitions is messing up another part of memory that affects the way things are being displayed.
  2. I can confirm this bug is related to CRP too, I was having the same problem. I added and removed Mods 1 by 1 and when CRP is installed, this occurs on my installation too.
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