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  1. So having to figure this out for myself recently; you need to give the fuel cells Hydrogen and Oxygen (not the stock Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer), those can be had in Kerbalism mini-tanks, which last quite a while. One gripe I have is that you need somewhere between 1 and 2x the amount of Oxy tanks, which I suppose stems from the molar mass of the gasses and their density and yadda yadda. Dang kerbalism realism. Oh and don't forget to pack extra Nitrogen to refill the capsule after your EVAs!!
  2. So I'm seeing odd behaviour with switching fuels in all my tanks; only Liquid Fuel and/or Oxidizer are available, not Monopropellant. Only tanks which I can get to have Monoprop are the radial tanks built for that alone.
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