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Everything posted by notthebobo

  1. Just to verify, you are doing this with an EVA'd Kerbal and have sufficient MaterialKits? See the FAQ
  2. I added pages for "Functions (Ground Construction)" and "Parts (Ground Construction)". Would someone be so nice as to create a picture for the DIY Kit and the Tundra Mobile Assembly plant and put them on the Parts page?
  3. It looks like the plan now is to add the sample ships to a single page. If someone comes up with a road map, I can create the filler pages. As I get ready to update the MKS Wiki to capture changes in ratios and resource numbers when the next patch comes out, I realize there has to be a better way to extract the numbers than manually scanning each .cfg file. Is anyone aware of a "part module viewer" app that allows easy extraction of relevant data? I'm thinking something like a DOM viewer for HTML. On a related note, the part file often seems to express all resource consumption numbers in "per sec', but the game shows some of these as "er hour" or "per day". This may be a @SQUAD question, but what are the rules for determining how the resource value is shown in game?
  4. Ah, I didn't realize the main site was a GitHub site as well. Issue withdrawn on MKS hub. Thanks, @TheRagingIrishman
  5. Guess we're calling this thread home now. Nice new OP. @RoverDude, would you mind updating the link on the USI page? It still points to the old thread.
  6. All ZAPPED AS OBE pages have been removed. Like the new example crafts, @DStaal. I added a TOC at the top to help find the new craft.
  7. @RoverDude, do you have any objection to removing the ZAPPED AS OBE pages in the Wiki? I don't know if you were wanting/needing to retain them for their history of the descriptions of the earlier parts (MK-II, -II, etc).
  8. I renamed a lot of the pages to remove the colon per this bug request. As far as I can tell, I fixed all the inter page links. Like where you guys are going with the craft files. I haven't had much success lately with my own builds so I'm looking forward to trying some of these out. Re: builds with mod dependencies, I think that they should be included as long as they clearly indicate what mods are required. Perhaps the Example Craft Files page could be modified to include a section for "Required Mods" that would list any other mods. This would be in addition to the Parts section.
  9. @Bluejay that is the Planetary Logistics. The Logistics Wiki page may help.
  10. That has to be one of the most kerbal'd designed rover's I've seen. Good job @jd284.
  11. @Parmenio, if you haven't already, please add this to the wiki FAQ.
  12. Ah, learned something new.
  13. Given the rate at which RD's mods change, any craft files may become obsolete just as quickly. Pictures, however, show the concept, even if they include obsoleted components. Providing sample pictures of "here's a vessel for 'w' purpose, here's how to use it, and how it could be modified to serve as x/y/z" makes a lot of sense to me. For sharing actual craft files, why not use the existing Spacecraft Exchange?
  14. I'm trying this one using the Karibou multihub, engines, and landers, plus the Convert0o0tron 250 with a 1.25 nuclear reactor for power.
  15. I managed to save some of RD's comments on the design before the thread disappeared, so I'm dropping them into the MKS Wiki. If anyone has some other FAQ or design pointers, please add them there. If Github goes away, we'll have more to worry about than the MKS design
  16. Perfectly bad timing for the thread to vanish. Will spread the word. Btw, not able to check at the moment, but was constellation updated as well?
  17. You're right about the USI-LS assumption. It's mentioned elsewhere, but not upfront as you mention. That would be an ideal place to bring it up. @dboi88 is providing the awesome part shots. Not sure what he uses but they're beautiful. RE: Salamander, I'm not sure what class it actually falls in; same with the associated lander. @RoverDude, did you intend for these two parts to be Scouts, or something different?
  18. Proof reading would greatly be appreciated. It was a scramble to get everything up to date, wo I'm sure we missed a good deal of small details.
  19. @Merkov You're correct, it's 10.8; the USI-LS Setting.cfg has SupplyAmount = 0.0005 per second. I updated the Wiki, but feel free to correct it yourself next time
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