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Everything posted by Legcutter

  1. That silly phrase 'bout something "can't get any better" should be forgotten, because with Beale it always can. Congrats on 8.0 release of the geatest KSP mod (IMHO ) About suggestions - I do have a small one. The original LOK was made using chemical batteries instead of solar panels, so a Tantares replica of one will be either short-living on battery power or spoiled with small solar panels. Maybe try adding a small RTG into LOK's SM with power output enough or nealy enough to maintain the ship (LOK only) powered? This second way can emulate depletable chemical batteries without ruining balance, I think.
  2. There's no need to be sorry, friend. Today it's me rofling about yesterday's half-conscious posting after spending 20-hrs without sleeping. I should probably quit that
  3. I hate to make suggestions based on a 10 out of 10 jackals quality photo, but it probably looks like the antenna is folded inwards @Chimer4 got a good set of references with the folded antenna facing upwards, but it's probably a ship model dependant thing - note that big old non-passable docking port at @Chimer4's pics and the later model with a passable one on mine Edit: @Chimer4's right, it's a Salyut photo
  4. Mir module radiator - a single small part wich is essential to make these modules look really aww-some. The stock one looks too off anyway The one under the solar panel
  5. These drawings are original concepts of Soyuz interior back from 60s, easily googlable. The one you're trying to re-make at your screenshot is one of the latest concept variants, the one I posted was approved by Sergei Korolyov and implemented IRL. Got some more interesting stuff here. (warning: russian letters )
  6. The Soyuz progress () is great) But maybe consider adding some couches? Orbital module was made for habitation needs (like eating&sleeping), not storage.
  7. Everyday is a good day for perfectionism. It's what... like sixths iteration of a Tantares mod Soyuz?
  8. @Beale The yelow one matches this color scheme better; and the orange one, wich is said by @Bottle Rocketeer 500 to be more russian, needs to be more orange for that. But i might reconsider my color preferences since this "more russian" talk started.
  9. He's a beauty. But, the older version was a bit closer to the IRL third stage's LOX tank bottom shape - sperical. Anyway, it's delighting to see mr. Beale is back to Tantares. Many thanks again for all your good work. It's time for me to build some stations
  10. - Smell that? You smell that? - What? - UDMH, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of dimethylhydrazine in the morning. You know, one time we had a Proton fueled, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't leave one of 'em on the ground, not one stinkin' GEO satellite. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole cosmodrome. Smelled like... space. Someday this space program's gonna end... Jeb and his Baikonour flashbacks
  11. Hm-m-m, it's a bit messy with names, but you can get the main idea about what's what and what's supposed to be launched from where)
  12. To make some things clearer: Feniks (Phoenix) is a name of an R&D project for a new LV development done by Energia corp. Soyuz-5 (Union-5) is a name for a russian variant of an LV Sunkar (kaz. Falcon) is a name for a kazakh variant of an LV
  13. * Still dying to have some of these preety and long-time missing Salyut-Mir parts * ...meanwhile: - Suppose I can survive in waiting a little more
  14. You spin me right round, baby, right round, Like the record, baby, right round round round
  15. I do. Level 1 seems more sharp than stock and not so different from other parts as L2. Good thing)
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