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Everything posted by Exovian

  1. If this is going to be in the Spacecraft Exchange, it needs a download. Provide links to all required mods.
  2. Look at a game like The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It turns ten this year and still has a dedicated community.
  3. I\'m thinking that it will be based on the Androgynous Peripheral Docking System (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgynous_Peripheral_Docking_System).
  4. \ I am not a laptop user, however, my rig is not the best in terms of performance. I\'m waiting until my turn to play the file, but I have had issues with two craft too close to each other before. I also have a flight out looking for a munolith, and will send you pictures of the location should I find one.
  5. Just dropping by to say that I love what\'s happening on the stock base! Also, I like the idea of the Bravo site being around a munolith.
  6. I made an updated design using liquid engines instead of SRBs for the first stage, and it seems to fly much longer before running out of fuel. I\'ll do a full test tomorrow.
  7. Please add the Shamrock Extended (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10042.0) to the Micro Munar Craft category. Hold off on that until I run some more tests.
  8. Here\'s the Shamrock Extended: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10042.0
  9. First off, a huge thank you to sal_vager for the original Shamrock orbiter, found here: ( http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7514.0 ). I would also like to thank Kosmo-not; both of them have provided a great deal of inspiration. Now, onto the ship: the Shamrock Extended, by Yarrow Quality Designs. Core Shamrock by Ker-Flow-Full Sewerage & Pipeworks. The objective here was to make an ultra-light Munar lander. To that end, I took the most efficient orbiter I could fly, the Shamrock, and added a very rudimentary lander on top. I also add a trio of SRBs below to get the rocket off the pad. I have flown the craft to Munar orbit and back, but have not landed due to being unable to operate a no-ASAS lander without a bit more practice. However, half the lander\'s fuel was remaining once stable Munar orbit was achieved, so I think it\'s possible. Flight can be difficult, so here is the method I used: -Fire SRBs. Go straight up until they burn up, and toss them. -Fire the Shamrock core stage at full throttle. Go straight up until 12,000 meters, then pitch over to 45 degrees. -At 35,000 meters, throttle the engine down to half thrust. -Once the apokerb is at 75,000 meters, turn of the engine. -Once at the apokerb, burn horizontal to achieve orbit. This will deplete the fuel in the core stage, so use the lander to finish the burn. -Once orbit is achieved, fly to the Mun as you would in any other ship. Please leave feedback, I\'d like to see how others do with the ship.
  10. If it\'s stock, consider this my application.
  11. I really enjoy flying Ker-Flow-Full products. You even managed to get my mom interested in the game (she\'s a sap for minimalism). Keep it up!
  12. Are you, or are you not keeping this stock only? If it is stock only, how do I sign up?
  13. You plan to make the N1? Diamonds for you wrong game. Still, awesome.
  14. Nice ship. I like the story you came up with.
  15. Wow! I just got the Shamrock (which is, frankly, a better name than Gumball) into orbit. How would you compare the difficulty of getting this into orbit to, say, flying the Munar Skif on a full mission?
  16. Minimalist rocketry at its finest. A tip of the hat to you.
  17. I\'d like to submit my Mun Runner IV to the 'Munar Craft' category: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7300.0
  18. This is my first Mun-capable ship, and the 4th in the Mun Runner series. The folks on r/KerbalSpaceProgram got me into building a stock Mun rocket and deserve a fair bit of credit. Pictures of this ship flying to, and landing on, the Mun: http://imgur.com/a/kEMLW A note on landing: after the chute opens at ~500m, keep firing the RCS rockets until you land, or the whole thing gets destroyed on impact. Even with the retros, the CM will be the only thing that survives if you touch down on land (I don\'t know about water).
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