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Everything posted by Exovian

  1. Yeah, that covers what I did. I may have to redesign the rocket from scratch; turns out a ~375 part rocket is a great way to melt my rig. On a positive note, I've just about pinpointed two possible landing sites to minimize heat damage.
  2. Any plan to release a version not dependent on plugins?
  3. Okay, my KSP install, and computer in general, are going to hell at the moment, and I'm not going to be able to pull this off in time. Here's the save, with my ship. https://sites.google.com/site/exovianyarrow/Community%20Session.zip?attredirects=0&d=1 Maxed-Rockets, it's now your turn! Additionally, I'd like to be put at the end of the list to try this again with a smaller rocket. Same goal.
  4. Nutt007 seems to have missed his deadline, so I'll be taking things from here. EDIT: Erm, Giggleplex, I'm not seeing a persistence file, I'll be using the previous one until you get one up...
  5. As an addendum to my flight request, the flight name will be "Eye of Fire", and has a few minor variations from a standard Tia Sáng to allow a survivable landing on Moho. Is it permissible to include a base Tia Sáng launcher in the savefile for others to mess with, alongside the Eye of Fire variant?
  6. I'd like to request a slot to fly the Tia Sáng to Moho.
  7. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/9634-PLUGIN-PART-0-14-Ludodyne-airship-balloon-v1-1-%28Apr-23rd%29 Here's a good set of parts, but I don't know how well they work.
  8. I plan to use airship parts to make a station in the upper atmosphere of Jool, but that's just me.
  9. I find it disconcerting that we may soon live in a word where no one who walked on the moon are still alive. Not only are our greatest accomplishments behind us, we may soon lose those who brought us there...
  10. Was subscribed to kurtjmac's Minecraft videos, and then decided to watch some of his KSP stuff.
  11. Because mods =/= cheats. There are plenty of balanced mods, which duckunlimited decided to use. If you don't like it, don't participate.
  12. This was a big thing right around the time of the .14 release. Record is 3 tanks for a found trip, I think.
  13. Nice find! I may put together a pack to add the old part textures, just for giggles.
  14. Welcome! And no, your 'bad english' is not torture. It\'s not even bad.
  15. This is now the next payload for the Mun Runner Applications Program. Thanks!
  16. Bump me down a spot or two, I\'m swamped with work for the next two days.
  17. Looks nice! You do need a decoupler between the command pod and the SAS to make it survivable on return to Kerbin, though. Also consider replacing the SAS with an ASAS.
  18. Seanoog, did you get that question I sent you about the base rules?
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