First off, a huge thank you to sal_vager for the original Shamrock orbiter, found here: ( ). I would also like to thank Kosmo-not; both of them have provided a great deal of inspiration. Now, onto the ship: the Shamrock Extended, by Yarrow Quality Designs. Core Shamrock by Ker-Flow-Full Sewerage & Pipeworks. The objective here was to make an ultra-light Munar lander. To that end, I took the most efficient orbiter I could fly, the Shamrock, and added a very rudimentary lander on top. I also add a trio of SRBs below to get the rocket off the pad. I have flown the craft to Munar orbit and back, but have not landed due to being unable to operate a no-ASAS lander without a bit more practice. However, half the lander\'s fuel was remaining once stable Munar orbit was achieved, so I think it\'s possible. Flight can be difficult, so here is the method I used: -Fire SRBs. Go straight up until they burn up, and toss them. -Fire the Shamrock core stage at full throttle. Go straight up until 12,000 meters, then pitch over to 45 degrees. -At 35,000 meters, throttle the engine down to half thrust. -Once the apokerb is at 75,000 meters, turn of the engine. -Once at the apokerb, burn horizontal to achieve orbit. This will deplete the fuel in the core stage, so use the lander to finish the burn. -Once orbit is achieved, fly to the Mun as you would in any other ship. Please leave feedback, I\'d like to see how others do with the ship.