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Everything posted by domox

  1. Here's another update, I've completed modeling all of the parts with the exception of the kinetic warhead. After this comes UV/Texturing and then implementing the parts in game.
  2. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2.4536+to+julian+date Wolfram is indispensable with this game (and math in general)...
  3. I will do my best. (First time creating parts) Here are some initial specs for the parts: <b>Mk 72 Booster</b> Diameter: 0.53m Length: 1.7m Loaded Mass: 712kg ISP: 260 to 265 seconds Burn length: 6 seconds <b>Mk 104 Dual Thrust Motor (stage 2)</b> Diameter: 0.34m Length: 2.88meters Loaded Mass: 488kg ISP: 260 to 265 seconds <b>Mk 136 TSRM (Third Stage Rocket Motor)</b> Diameter: 0.33m Length: 0.9m Thrust: 7 kN Burn length: I've seen one source say 15s, another sais dual 20s, I also know it has nozzles for changing vector. TBD
  4. Just a quick update, I put this scale model together this afternoon still lots more to do. Modeled: - MK72 Booster - MK104 Motor - Main stage fins - Stage 3 - Guidance Stage/Nosecone (I need to separate them) TODO: - Late stage fin rails - First stage bottom fins - Nosecone - Guidance/Kinetic Warhead - Nozzles - Nodes for attachment, thrust etc. - Texturing - Coding - Better Intercept Research
  5. I have lots of errant debris orbiting my planet now and would like to take it out. (I'm also itching to model again ) So I'm going to kick off a new line of parts to create the Raytheon SM3: http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/standard_missile/sm-3/ The biggest hurdles I see ahead are that once I have the parts modelled and in game creating reliable intercepts (Mechjeb is awesome but not nearly accurate enough to fill this role (unless I am using it wrong)) and also creating an explosive part. I'd love to hear if people are interested, and please speak up if you have ideas about the intercept part of the project. Thanks and wish me luck!
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