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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. open source will never happen, like other people said, SQUAD is a business, they just aren't going to give away their biggest moneymaker
  2. that thing looks really cool, and I don't think that anyone can say "nah nag nah, that's cheating because your clipping" because that space is just empty space from the inside of the thingy! also, I cant install mods, so I cant do KCT , which is strange, because it was the first mod I ever installed (that and Infernal robotics...)
  3. I chose my name because my name is Andy, and, well, in everything but sci, history, math, and PE I'm stupid, kind of specific my avatar, I wanted something no one else had, and nobody had a probecore, so there and V, I wrote a story called "the history of the walrus" that is nothing but a conspiracy theory, I tried to make one, but it just turned out stupid, I would publish it on here, but its slightly political, so I might edit out the page, but its SO FUNNY! so maybe not...
  4. in Koviet Krussia, ore mines YOU!
  5. I made Laythe in US2, but it wasn't a moon, and it wasn't scale to Jool's orbit, so maybe...
  6. I've never gotten to this point, but people hate the contract weighing system? I don't know, I just never get to that point
  8. I want two things that aren't really likely to happen the revamp of the career system like in the thread @Veeltch started, all of the ideas are AWESOME (especially mine ) better comnet, or something to make the comnet less confusing, I still use remote tech more then the stock system, in a career I had I had to DISABLE it because I couldn't set it up, remote tech is better, straight up.
  9. I would use KCT but strangely that hasn't been updated for 1.2 yet... great job! I always try careers, but they always end when Jeb dies...oh well...
  10. 0/10 did you know that for a short time in 5th to 6th grade I wanted to be called goldfish, now I want to be called prograde yeah, I'm weird
  11. what about wind, and this is environmental visual enhancements right?
  12. but first we need a weather mod that's not player controlled! sounds like a good idea!
  13. "were going to blow up the moon before anyone else lands on it so nobody else can say they landed on the moon, this isn't for science, its politics" "we landed on the moon, but since we accidentally clicked symmetry x2 we have a mystery goo on top of the crew hatch, canceling all future EVAs"
  14. OOH two coming up! too bad one of them is in the southern hemisphere...
  15. you could say it was colonized by an ancient race of pac men...
  16. the one that shows +sci for research node, -20405 funds for building upgrade is strategia, which is the one that adds the iota program and such everyone loves strategia!
  17. you have guessed incorrectly, you shan't proceed @Bill Kerman
  18. something minor, but everything doesn't have a set cost, it varies with the kerbal world, and so do your contracts, and something that might make everyone mad, companies suddenly taking a contract due to some unforeseen reason, just more realism for the contracts!
  19. sta wars: a futuristic world where people attack each other because they cant pronounce words correctly
  20. nope! @StupidAndy HELLO! @WinkAllKerb''!
  21. were setting up for a 0.00[snip]001% chance that the falcons win
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