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    gopnik from the east
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    nether realm
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  1. Tremble and hell in the water..

    Violent thoughts of the slaughter..

    Who thought the nature is so deadly?

    Dreams are turning endly..


    The waves are pushing into the ocean..

    Eyes from above are tracking your motion...

    This time just the existence is causing fear...

    And death is passing by soo near!


    We are crusading the danger!

    But in the result we are just making more anger..

    But now nobody knows what we meant..

    As the nature is forcing our end...

    The end.

    I was born in port city-Petrapavlovsk- Kamchatskiy,i used to sail around with my father and i remember the first time we got ourselves into a storm. (storms in pacific ocean are scary..)






    1. Urses


      But reaaaaly beautiful...

      A giant wall from grey and green comes towards you, and the next moment you feel as your boat goes up at first scared and than relieved on the top ad you become massless and fly the wave downwards....

      Never would miss this levitating feeling


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