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Everything posted by TailDragger

  1. I don't think the water purifier is working in time warp. Many Kerbals died to bring us this information. (other things might be screwy as well, but this was the one I noticed)
  2. @severedsolo This is exactly the type of mod I've been hoping for! Thank you!!! Now, I have a couple things... 1) When I replace a part in the editor with an identical part, they often come up with different failure probabilities (for new parts only) is this a bug, or intentional? If its intentional, it seems a little odd. 2) do you have any plans / the ability to make science experiments fail? It would be really disappointing (but realistic) to get your fancy probe all the way to Jool, only to have the Science, Jr.'s doors get jammed Thanks, again! This mod rocks!
  3. @magico13 So I just watched some of your stream from yesterday. It seems like the downwards pointing ship problem in Simulite is because the ships are being repositioned, but not reoriented. I'd bet that a ship placed on the equator, 180 degrees apart from KSC will point straight down, and one on the pole will be flat on its side, etc. I don't know it that helps, but I figured I'd put my 2 cents in.
  4. Been trying out build 16. No problems yet. Including several "recoveries to storage". YAY!
  5. I've been using build #15 for an hour or 2... edit seems to work just fine. Recover to storage, on the other hand = game crash. reload, tried again with different ship... crash tried again, another different ship ... crash I'd post the logs, but I can't get on dropbox today for some reason.
  6. I just downloaded TAC today, and after a handful of perfectly normal launches, I had this happen as soon as the launchpad loaded up.. .http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242938828/screenshots/#scrollTop=0 the explosion just kept exploding continuously, for several minutes, and no buttons worked. So Wierd. The only other mod I'm running is KCT. I'll see if I can reproduce it Nevermind. Can't reproduce the problem. If anyone wants, I'll post crash file.
  7. Attempting to write my own configs for some of the parts not yet covered. Wish me luck.
  8. Just wanted to chime in and express my thanks! I've been using the new build for over a week now, and haven't run across a bug yet.
  9. I'm pretty sure this is just a config issue, and not a real bug, but I just had all of my heat shield "leak" out into space. That's definitely a new one for me.
  10. @linuxgurugamer This is exactly the mod I've been hoping for! Thanks for resurrecting it! I'd be more than happy to test, I just doubt I'd be available enough to be worth while.
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