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Everything posted by LegendaryAce

  1. I already lost my saves, so I'm not concerned. Having lost my save, I no longer have the F-35. But when the game is re-released, I'll make sure to get you a picture.
  2. For once, I'm being optimistic! Maybe I can even build the F-22 I've been wanting too! I've already got an F-35B, so that'll complete my stealth planes!
  3. Truthfully? Anything is better than what we're playing now. At least, that's how I feel.
  4. If legal action doesn't come first. Though I really hope that will never happen. I'm going to be cautiously optimistic.
  5. Either he was oblivious to the last Weekly, or he's trolling.
  6. Seriously?! Did you not read the latest Weekly from last week? They implicitly said "An updated version of KSP for consoles will be available by the end of January 2018".
  7. Source, or its fake. I've had it up to here with PCMR people. I've learned that most everyone here is very kind and equitable, so I won't have any talk like that here.
  8. Did you seriously not read this?! Or THIS?! Ugh, I'm gonna kill myself. I can't stand when people take my words out of context...
  9. If you didn't bother to read my next post, I'm not gonna respond to you.
  10. Yeah, that's weird. Probably because I quoted someone quoting you. I guess that makes sense. Though in my defense, as a console gamer with a pile of broken code, if I'm lucky I can have 2 missions ongoing at once. I can't have multiple rovers, stations, satellites, etc, without the game deleting itself. Hence why I thought that such a mod is useless to me when I can only be undertaking one mission at a time. I have to fly each spacecraft to its final destination before I can start another flight. Make more sense for my case? (EDIT: By mods that play the game for you, I was referring to MechJeb.)
  11. Oh I'm not dismissing anyone's preferences by any means, hence why I said "I prefer". I didn't mean to sound dismissive if I came off as such. I was merely pointing out that in the last comment someone said that KAC is indispensable and it seemed he was implying it should be for consoles. However, I'm much more accustomed to my T- time next to the Navball, so an audio cue isn't really necessary to me. Not when I have gotten down an intuition of sorts when to fire my rocket for course corrections. As for me personally, I don't have the luxury of a PC or mods, so I've gotten used to rocket launches being done manually, and it doesn't seem to bore me. And as for automation, I think that early on in the Tech Tree, you CAN'T use automation during launches, since you can earn science even during the ascent stages. And finally, in regards to MechJeb, Δv calculators, and the sorts, I just think that for ME PERSONALLY, not anyone else, having that autopilot takes the fun out of doing the short or freehand math when doing orbital injections and interplanetary travel.
  12. Probably because as a console gamer, I'm not used to mods, so I actually have to learn how to play the game. In all fairness, mods like MechJeb and KAC do not interest me, since I much prefer playing my game, not watching it. Besides, I like having to plan my orbital burns and calculating where and for how long I need to burn to dock. I'd be much more proud of a space station that I manually launched, docked, and assembled than one built by launching a rocket and having MechJeb do all the work.
  13. The keyword here is "like". We'd "like" to get an update, but I doubt we will soon.
  14. I hope so. Literally EVERY game that has had this long of a wait for a fix to be able to play has died. I'd like to think it won't, but if we don't get something soon, it's gonna be abandoned.
  15. Judging by the fewer and fewer people that seem to comment on this, it seems that the console fanbase for KSP is soon to be as dead as Venus. A shame really...
  16. Ha! Just noticed the acronym in that!
  17. Count me out. I'm not gonna get hyped up for the release, and then find some catastrophic bug on my first day playing. No, I'll let you guys do that. I'll remain cautiously optimistic though...
  18. Well, if this game isn't updated before the end of the year, I'm done with it. If it really takes more than a year and a half to re-release a game, then it's not worth my time and patience. Ace Combat 7, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and SimpleRockets all look very enticing, so abandoning KSP won't really hurt me.
  19. We were asking this same question back in March. Quite far apparently...
  20. Well, it's a start, so I'm not gonna fault them for that...
  21. Oh yeah! That's always fun! Add in a flight speed of 1,200mps+, then you're quite literally on fire! Most definitely. My grandfather worked with Skunk Works back in the 50's and 60's, helping create the SR-71's J58 engines. I can only imagine how much work went into them to get them to work at Mach 3+! Also, in regards to the flatspin, almost all of my jets are equipped with two J404's with full thrust vectoring, so a catastrophic loss of the vertical stabilizer is a minor inconvenience!
  22. Totally. I feel that reentry on Xbox One wasn't really that exciting, but really more of a lackluster chore. Plus KAX and FAR would make re-entering spaceplanes A LOT more reliable. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've had uneven heating on my wings, and one explodes, causing an irreversible pitch and roll, leading to catastrophic disintegration, similar to the Columbia. Though fortunately, I do put an emergency escape capsule, quite like the XB-70's ejection system.
  23. Oh yeah. I agree completely. There were a few that I would love native support for on console: 1) Realistic Solar System and Spacecraft (but a heavier version of Realism Overhaul/Realistic Progression Zero) 2) Debug menus (so when I test my SSTO's and military aircraft, I don't need to worry about fuel, damage, etc. 3) Ferram Aerospace (I spend 10% of my time making rockets and doing missions, and 90% building and fine tuning military aircraft replicas, so a super accurate flight physics system is a must, especially for my F-35B's) 4) KAX [Kerbal Aerospace Expansion] (To make even MORE realistic aircraft, including TILTROTORS!) 5) MechJeb (This'll make mid air refueling possible, and give me even more aircraft possibilities) Anyway, hopefully we get some kind of mod support in the future.
  24. In my opinion, there's always been two kinds of modding. There are those like me who mod their Xbox and PC games for personal pleasure to avoid any possible ramifications, and those like most everyone here who mod for the enjoyment of others. Unfortunately, as made so blatantly clear especially by Bethesda and their "Creation Club", developers seem to be more than willing to capitalize on fan made changes, and take their work and charge money for it. Case in point? Before CC on Fallout 4, I had a mod that added the Fallout 3 and New Vegas era Gauss Rifle to the game. But right before CC went live, that mod was removed from the game, and lo and behold Bethesda added a paid version of the Gauss Rifle. In short, us modders need to stick together and not let devs and publishers ruin what has for so long been free content by players, for players. TL;DR Devs want to make paid mods, but we need to prevent that.
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