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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by LegendaryAce
Either way, the newest KSP Weekly continues to ignore consoles with the same "we'd like to reassure console gamers that development continues" BS. It's the same old crap rehashed for almost a year now. I've all but given up on ever seeing an update for this game. There's a person further back whose name eludes me, but posted something that perfectly sums up my feelings. To that person, all the credit goes to you, since the clock continues to tick...
I already checked it out, but thanks for the heads-up. There were quite a lot of people complaining though, which is weird. At this rate, I doubt Take Two could do anything worse than what FTE did. Besides, they were the parent company of Irrational Games, whose IP included the Bioshock franchise.
One can only hope right? I just want some clouds and the ability to have infinite fuel so I can experiment building the most efficient SSTO designs.
@Ineedaweapon Supposedly they're completely overhauling the maneuver node system, so chances are that we'll get a built in Delta-V calculator. I just can't wait to play a stable game that doesn't literally make me scream with rage when the orbit planner locks out my inputs.
You misunderstand. I LOATH cheat menus. They're stupid easy to create, and add ZERO replayability to the game. In Just Cause 2, I added new aircraft like the X-02 Wyvern to replace the G9 Eclipse. I also added a LCS to GTA V because I felt the boats in that game were utter crap. Oh. I thought you meant just general map additions. Yeah, I know what you mean. Especially if your adding a weapon or a new Power Armor into a place like the Prydwen. I've had many issues with Modern Firearms (idlesheep's mod) taking over the WHOLE weapon leveling list, preventing NPC's from spawning with other mods. So I know what you mean by "stepping on others toes". Especially when you do everything you can to place mod priorities in a specific order. So then I'll go back to Project Aces. They seem to have way better communication with their fans.
I doubt this very much. I rarely play PC games (with the exception of DCS World), so I can't say much about that area. But I've extensively written and applied mods to a variety of my Xbox 360 games, including Just Cause 2, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, and GTA V to name a few. It's not hard to do so if you have a little bit of knowledge in coding and scripting. And as for Bethesda, at least when they project a release date, they actually release near it. They said mods would be out in May of 2016. They were officially released on May 31st. That's still technically achieving their deadline. As for your issue with map mods, are you familiar with how hard that is to modify maps? Adding a new mesh and texture for a weapon and applying a reload script is quite easy. Adding a whole new section of map, adding terrain mesh, hitbox, interactability (shooting it and a bullet hole appears), navmesh, etc. is a helluva lot harder. And Bethesda has continually updated the G.E.C.K. to provide modders with better tools for modding. Don't forget that Bethesda has to accommodate new mod makers as well as veterans. So the tools might not necessarily be top tier.
Honestly I think Bethesda is a great dev to learn from. They have excellent communication with their customers, excellent PR and compensation, and are more than willing to listen to their fans and experiment. Aside from Project Aces, Bethesda has to be my favorite developer because of how professional they are.
Perhaps some people could learn from Bethesda?
I do wonder if we could get some mods as native support on the console. Having clouds, real Solar System models, and real rockets would be a nice addition to the game, and I'd guess that it's not terribly hard to implement them as advanced options when you start a game.
Well, I'm at least happy to hear that. It IS going to be a new game on the Xbox Store correct?
So does this mean that it's not going to be the same game that's in the digital marketplace? If so, that means that it's a new upload to the marketplace that's a completely different copy than the one I bought. I'm not too keen on giving away another $40, even if said product delivers. I'll have spent $80 on this game if I do.
I have no problem with what's going on. Seriously, I don't. But I don't need to constantly be told to wait over and over when that's what's been happening for 10 and a half months. It's now day 314, and I can obviously tell that "Early 2017" was a pipe dream. But would it be just a little too much to ask for at least a timetable? If they said it'll be released within X number of months, I'd be fine. But there's none of that. Or please, just upload some screenshots or give Scott Manley an early preview for us console gamers to get excited about. The Console fanbase WILL die if it's not released soon. I'm an Xbox One gamer, and I feel absolutely horrible for the PS4 players who've gotten absolutely no attention. We just need some assurance besides what I've previous said.
FROM THIS WEEK'S KSP WEEKLY!!! "In other news, progress on KSP for Consoles continues. Blitworks keeps sending us new builds and consequently keeping our QA team busy. We even had to get new test-kits to help share the load in that regard. All in all, the builds are looking good and, slowly but surely, we’re getting close to our objective of delivering solid KSP versions to console players." This is EXACTLY my point. We get nothing more than Blitworks this, console build that. No release date, no time-frame, not even a DAMN SCREENSHOT! And we're supposed to sit here and "wait patiently" for an update almost a YEAR in the making?! So how about this. After you guys get your 1.3 release, you get to wait until July 2018 for your next update. Sound good? No? Well, that's how console gamers feel they've been treated. And don't even get me started on the fact that we're getting the last update, not the current one.
Thank you. Finally someone who can see our frustration with this product. It's hard to quantify just how upset we are at the game, and the fact that we can't be part of this community.
@Red Iron Crown So a sentence saying "Our friends at Blitworks continue to do great work" and a few patch notes is being continually updated? You must be joking! Take a look at Ace Combat 7. The Executive Producer of the game, Kazutoki Kono, personally sent out a memo to fans of his game telling them that Ace Combat 7 will have to be delayed to 2018 because they can't implement all the things they want to by the end of 2017, and then saying they'll release a lot more details at E3 2017, and released a whole lot of screenshots as compensation. That's how you update someone! So Squad could learn a lot from Project Aces. And everyone on this forum who has complained! I would think as "Global Moderator", you would know who all agrees with me. @Sirad And here's the superiority complex that all PC gamers have. So condescending. I personally think you guys hate us because we're complaining about something that you guys worship as the the be all end all, and you can't stand the fact that other people don't agree with you. Like I said before, THIS SECTION OF THE FORUM IS FOR CONSOLE PLAYERS! If they want to express their distaste and irritation for a game that's so obviously broken, THAT'S THEIR RIGHT! And don't pull any crap about the Terms and Conditions, because they say NOTHING about ranting.
We did. There was nothing there. That's why we were irritated.
@weissel You're right. I don't know what's going on. But I'm certain that unlike you, I have a broken copy of the game. So I have every right to place blame on BOTH companies. Really? You think EA would be a fault? I'd blame DICE in an instant, and I'm a 12 year Battlefield player! There's absolutely no excuse for a bug riddled game, whether you're a AAA game dev or an indie dev. Minecraft was an indie game, but Markuss and Jeb made sure that their game worked before releasing it on consoles. Obviously you haven't seen Fallout 4. Microsoft allowed Bethesda to launch mods on Xbox One and PS4, to critical acclaim. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Other devs like Avalanche (Just Cause series) are considering launching mods native to console. And chances are that with the Xbox Scorpio, it'll have the power and RAM necessary to run ANY mod on ANY game. READ THE POST!!! They said they would keep up updated! Nothing pertaining to consoles on their site... Hmm, I wonder why. Like I told the previous people here, I don't need PC gamers coming here and telling us this is our fault when they've gotten everything they've wanted. When you've ditched the preferential treatment and constant attention and instead actually experienced the plight of console gamers, then come back and talk to me.
Yeah, so then how about we get some form of information on this game!? I'm getting real tired of people saying just be patient. And PC gamers saying it's not their fault don't help. This is a thread for console gamers. So if console gamers want to vent, they have every right to and shouldn't be told that they're wrong for being angry. As for "not doing anything" what am I supposed to do? Sue the hell out of them for false advertising? Yeah, a US citizen suing a Mexican company. Good luck with that. Why don't we start a Change.org petition to force them to stop sales until they fix this!
Looking back at the first post, I'm seeing nothing but empty promises. I've seen only 3 of these "regular updates" since this thread was started. They've constantly kept us in the dark. That's why they should compensate us! Honestly, Squad makes EA look like Bungie! I'm guessing you're a PC gamer who doesn't have to deal with such a horrible release huh. Always getting whatever you want whenever you want? Must be nice...
Really makes you hold out hope, doesn't it?
Seems that they're no different than Steam or Android. I'm all for free publishing, but when the integrity of the product is compromised due to it, then I think the law needs to be laid down. Call me a hater, fanboy, whatever, but I think Apple has it right making devs go through heavy Cert layers. It helps separate the good from the bad. I'm a huge fan of Aerofly FS2 and Infinite Flight, and both games could be quite buggy if they didn't have to worry about certification.
I think I speak for all of us when I say that if they had actually been just a little bit forthright and took 30 minutes out of the past year to post a comment on THIS thread telling us what's going on and why, us console owners would be a lot more understanding. The absolute best way to get your customers to hate you is to give them a broken product and then keep silent for almost a year while they practically beg you for information about a fix. Seriously, if we had just a little bit more communication, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have so many angry console gamers. And I'm not talking about some patch notes, but an actual dev talking to us.
"Public Relations". Basically the people that make sure you're still a fan of their products. Yeah, unfortunately I bought the game a day after its release, so there were no reviews to help me. I figured the bugs associated with vanilla releases wouldn't be that bad in KSP. How wrong I was... I tried getting a refund, but Microsoft is really strict on the Digital Download games and refunds associated with them. They told me to contact the devs, which as we all know does nothing.
Didn't you know? Sony is rolling out its new PR campaign!
So, let's get this rebuttal done then, shall we? •Yes, because if they did their job properly, they would've vetted FTE and found them incompetent. •Possibly. I'd rather have no release than a release that doesn't function. •Blame goes to both here. Squad should've dropped them long ago and FTE shouldn't have lied about their abilities. •That's Squads fault, again, because they should've vetted them. Basically FTE even touching the game is Squads fault. •Yep. Squads fault too. In the credits for the game there are QA credits. So these people either A. we're sleeping on the job. B. Are completely inept at game testing. Or C. Were just lazy. •Squads also. It's the job of the game developers to make sure their build runs, not the publisher. So if Battlefield 4 has a game breaking bug, you'll blame EA, not DICE? •That's actually true here. The Console stores should've taken down KSP long ago and refunded players who bought it in the first week. •I can't be placed in that category because I bought it the day after it was released in Xbox One. •Possibly. Game devs should never overestimate their work. Valve used to only do Steam games, but they did their research on consoles and now many of their games have been ported. •I don't blame Blitworks. They're working their a55es off trying to fix the game that two other groups couldn't get right. •No, but maybe a collaboration with Microsoft would've mitigated these issues. •Nope. Why should consoles have to conform to PC equipment? How would you like it if I said that PC needs to ditch the mouse-keyboard and become like consoles and use controllers? PC and console are different on purpose. I can't stand using a keyboard because I play Ace Combat and Battlefield, and a keyboard would suck on it for me. •Now you're just being ridiculous...