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  1. Would it be any use to know what the conflict is? If so then I could try and deactivate everything until I find the culprit, I'm not using many. I'm not sure what you mean. I was eventually able to transfer fuel both when docked and undocked (which is what I ended up using to work around the crash).
  2. Actually, I was playing with "Ressource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules" on for realism, which prevented me from doing so.
  3. Hello, I've been trying out this mod and I'm having a crash to desktop. I have built a space station and was planning to exchange fuel between its attached ships. After docking, I set up and linked CC-R2 ports in EVA, then successfully transferred fuel. However, after I unlink the CC-R2, either immediately or upon returning or switching to the space station, the game crashes. Here is a screenshot of the configuration and a crash log and the save file: http://imgur.com/a/AJMLK https://zerobin.net/?95c2c49b22aff465#zca3WhrKIAAvNyaaTwr9XPvsMJgA4bByB1cUvzDIYpE= http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=96119285076492544190 Can you help me with this problem? EDIT: After playing with it some more, the crash doesn't seem to happen if I undock the ship before unlinking the CC-R2.
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