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Everything posted by Pand5461

  1. Don't Lithobrake (Don't Starve). Basically good ol' KSP, but you play as Wernher and need to build the VAB from scratch first. Psycho Kerbanauts (Psychonauts). Jeb, Bill and Bob went dangerously insane, and only Val can return them to mental health... Eeloolands (Borderlands). A co-op game where Jeb, Val, Bill and Bob need to reach a mysterious vault hidden somewhere on Eeloo. BadS's of Rockets and Spaceplanes (Heroes of Might and Magic). Left 2 Orbit (Left 4 Dead). The kerbanauts whose rescue contracts were declined finally take revenge.
  2. @tseitsei89, I've added KEOSat and rendezvous + docking challenges at last
  3. Found a good-quality scan of book with the algorithm description, for those who reads Russian. http://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/ru/books/o_1779714#303 The Space Shuttle algorithm is the only example of terminal guidance on ascent in the book. I wonder if Soyuz/Progress even used something of a sort before they got digital computers.
  4. Circular orbital speed is sqrt(gR), where g is gravitational acceleration, R is radius. g has the same value at surface of Earth and Kerbin, but Earth radius is about 11 times greater than Kerbin's (6400 km vs 600 km). Therefore, circular orbital speed at LEO is sqrt(11) ~ 3.3 times larger than at LKO. The overall difference in dV to orbit is a bit smaller because those dV include gravity, drag and steering losses that are comparable for both planets.
  5. I tend to start deorbit burn 90 to 60 degrees from the target. While descending, I'm trying to keep ground intersect point a bit in front of target and keep reasonable vertical velocity. BetterBurnTime mod shows estimated time to impact and time to kill the velocity, keeping the latter not greater than the former ensures you're on the safe side.
  6. That's cool. I didn't even manage to get a stable orbit with such weight. Is it really possible to get anything in the third tank? In my install (KSP 1.2.2) the rocket barely lifts off launchpad with 2.7-3k ore.
  7. Explained in this post. Solution using B9 Part Switch (beware, it breaks vessels with tankbutts that are already launched, see next few posts).
  8. If you have the game installed from Steam: right-click on the game in the library, choose Properties -> Language and switch to English. Если игра установлена через Стим: ПКМ по игре в библиотеке, выбрать Свойства, на вкладке Язык сменить на английский.
  9. @tseitsei89, that's a lot of airbrakes! So, the bonuses are: x1.5 (landing at launchpad). I can't see fuel levels from the screenshots - if it's less than 1% of total stage capacity, then another x1.5 multiplier must be applied. Penalties: /2 (I include droptank to the count of parts exploded at landing) x0.92 (two commands issued manually). Total score (Falcon challenge): 60.75 points (rounded to 61). You can call fuel.ks and deorbit.ks from the boot script to reduce the needed manual input.
  10. @tseitsei89, it does fit (was in the TBD section). For more precise landings, you may add RCS thrusters facing prograde/retrograde to fine-tune the landing spot from the last few kilometers. Another way to decrease the spread of landing points is using a steeper reentry but I don't know how it affects fuel economy.
  11. Found this mod, and I love the Soyuz-like parts and Pumpkin can. A few patch suggestions, if I may. 1) Add toggleable fuel crossfeed capability to the decouplers, to make them consistent with stock 2) Change RCS Isp to stock values 3) Add CoM offset to Soy and Radish capsules 4) Change cost of 1.875m heatshield to 450 to make it consistent with stock (300 for 1.25m, 600 for 2.5m) 5) Kerbalism support: Habitat volumes and surfaces are way too large now, resulting in insane EC drain. Add configurable supply containers and gas tanks to Onion-Progress module, making it more purposeful (rebalance) reconfigure Soy-Juice pod as 7K-OK configuration (LKO, life support provided by Onion/Leek module, reduced heat and crash tolerance) and Soy-Green as 7K-L1 configuration (Mun flyby, no Onion module, life support included) 6) FAR and RealChute support: remove stock Parachute modules before FAR, otherwise parts end with two parachute modules 7) (rebalance) move decouplers from parachutes to parts supposed to be above them (small escape tower, Onions, Leek) 8) (rebalance) reduce efficiency of Soy service module engine and its fuel tank volume. Increase EC storage to 500 instead. About 900 m/s Soyuz-like craft have in the current configuration seems like too much for me. I changed the engine to Monoprop because current Soyuz versions use the same fuel for RCS and OMS engines. 9) (rebalance) reduce fuel capacity, heat and crash tolerance of Lima module. Progress craft are not supposed to survive reentry. 10) (rebalance) make masses of Soy descent modules closer to each other. Current Soy-Juice mass is even higher than that of real Soyuz descent module, and the real mass includes ablator as well Here is my current MM patch set (also includes patches from the post above, mass and heat resistance rebalance and some B9PartSwitch fuel switches): @PART[InLineChuteSmall] { %rescaleFactor = 1.10 !MODULE[ModuleDecouple] {} } @PART[InLineChute] { !MODULE[ModuleDecouple] {} } @PART[InLineChuteSmall]:NEEDS[!RealChute]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleParachute] { @deploymentSpeed = 0.12 @semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5 } } @PART[InLineChute|InLineChuteSmall]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch,RealChute]:BEFORE[FerramAerospaceResearch] { !MODULE[ModuleParachute],* {} } @PART[SmallEscapeTowerHGR] { %rescaleFactor = 1.10 %MODULE[ModuleDecouple] { ejectionForce = 150 explosiveNodeID = bottom } } @PART[SoySvcMod] { @category = Engine @mass = 0.4 !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { @amount = 250 @maxAmount = 250 } @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 500 @maxAmount = 500 } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @EngineType = MonoProp !PROPELLANT,* {} PROPELLANT { name = MonoPropellant ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } !atmosphereCurve,* {} atmosphereCurve { key = 0 260 key = 1 90 key = 4 0.001 } } @EFFECTS { @running { !PREFAB_PARTICLE {} PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 1 } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.05 emission = 0.075 0.1 emission = 1.0 0.5 speed = 0.0 0.1 speed = 1.0 0.4 } } flameout { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 transformName = thrustTransform oneShot = true } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_explosion_low volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } } @PART[SoySvcMod]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] { PLUME { name = Hypergolic-OMS-White transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 flarePosition = 0,0,-0.8 plumePosition = 0,0,0.0 fixedScale = 0.15 energy = 1 speed = 1.44 } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Hypergolic-OMS-White } } @PART[RadishSvcMod] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 250 @maxAmount = 250 } } @PART[LP_45Q|LP_MAX|LP_TRI]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleRCSFX] { !atmosphereCurve,* {} atmosphereCurve { key = 0 240 key = 1 100 key = 4 0.001 } } } @PART[Spud] { @mass = 1.5 } @PART[Radish] { @mass = 1.3 @node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.95, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 @CoMOffset = 0, -0.2, 0.04 } @PART[Soy-Juice|Soy-Green] { @mass = 2.1 @CoMOffset = 0, 0.1, 0.05 } @PART[Soy-Juice] { @crashTolerance = 15 } @PART[Lima] { @mass = 1.2 @crashTolerance = 15 %maxTemp = 1000 %skinMaxTemp = 1500 } @PART[SoyDecoupler|RadishDecoupler|HGR_StackDecoupler] { %MODULE[ModuleToggleCrossfeed] { %crossfeedStatus = false %toggleEditor = true %toggleFlight = true } } @PART[1.875HeatShield]:FINAL { @cost = 450 } @PART[OnionNew|OnionNew2|HGRCFOnionProgress] { %mass = 0.9 %maxTemp = 800 %skinMaxTemp = 1200 %fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple %sound_decoupler_fire = decouple %MODULE[ModuleDecouple] { ejectionForce = 150 explosiveNodeID = bottom } } @PART[OnionNew]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 3.30 surface = 6.87 } } @PART[OnionNew2|HGRCFOnionProgress]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 2.50 surface = 5.29 } } @PART[HGRCFOnionProgress]:NEEDS[Kerbalism,ProfileDefault]:FOR[Kerbalism] { @mass = 0.5 %ContainerVolume = 800 %PressurizedTankVolume = 84.431 MODULE { name = Configure title = Supply Container slots = 1 SETUP { name = Supplies desc = Store a balanced supply of <b>Food</b> and <b>Water</b>. RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 0.7224224 maxAmount = 0.7224224 @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 0.2775776 maxAmount = 0.2775776 @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ } } SETUP { name = Waste desc = Store solid and liquid organic waste. RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 0.4949706 @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 0.5050294 @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ } } SETUP { name = Food RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 1 maxAmount = 1 @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ } } SETUP { name = Water RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 0.5 maxAmount = 0.5 @amount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../ContainerVolume$ } } } MODULE { name = Configure title = Pressurized Tank slots = 1 SETUP { name = Oxygen desc = Store liquid oxygen RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 809.22 maxAmount = 809.22 @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ } } SETUP { name = Nitrogen desc = Store liquid nitrogen RESOURCE { name = Nitrogen amount = 659.4 maxAmount = 659.4 @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ } } SETUP { name = Ammonia desc = Store liquid ammonia RESOURCE { name = Ammonia amount = 913.0 maxAmount = 913.0 @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ } } SETUP { name = CarbonDioxide desc = Store liquid carbon dioxide RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 601.36 @amount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ @maxAmount *= #$../../../PressurizedTankVolume$ } } } MODULE { name = ProcessController resource = _Scrubber title = Scrubber capacity = 2 running = true } MODULE { name = ProcessController resource = _PressureControl title = Pressure control capacity = 2 running = true } MODULE { name = ProcessController resource = _WaterRecycler title = Water recycler capacity = 2 running = true } MODULE { name = ProcessController resource = _WasteProcessor title = Waste processor capacity = 2 running = true } MODULE { name = ProcessController resource = _MonopropFuelCell title = Monoprop fuel cell capacity = 2 running = false } @MODULE[ProcessController],* { @capacity *= 1.67 } MODULE { name = Configure title = Habitat slots = 2 SETUP { name = Scrubber desc = A dual-bed vacuum-exposing regenerative scrubber that sequester <b>CarbonDioxide</b> from the internal atmosphere. mass = 0.01 cost = 250 MODULE { type = ProcessController id_field = resource id_value = _Scrubber } } SETUP { name = Pressure Control desc = Use <b>Nitrogen</b> to maintain the internal atmosphere at a comfortable pressure. tech = engineering101 mass = 0.01 cost = 250 MODULE { type = ProcessController id_field = resource id_value = _PressureControl } RESOURCE { name = Nitrogen amount = 4000 maxAmount = 4000 } } SETUP { name = Water Recycler desc = Filter impurities out of <b>WasteWater</b>. tech = spaceExploration mass = 0.05 cost = 500 MODULE { type = ProcessController id_field = resource id_value = _WaterRecycler } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 5 } } SETUP { name = Waste Processor desc = Extract <b>Ammonia</b> out of decomposing organic <b>Waste</b>. tech = advExploration mass = 0.05 cost = 500 MODULE { type = ProcessController id_field = resource id_value = _WasteProcessor } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 5 } } SETUP { name = Monoprop Fuel Cell desc = An emergency fuel cell that burn <b>MonoPropellant</b>. Produce <b>Water</b> and <b>Nitrogen</b> as by-products. tech = advElectrics mass = 0.1 cost = 1000 MODULE { type = ProcessController id_field = resource id_value = _MonopropFuelCell } } } } @PART[Soy-Green]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 1.79 surface = 4.96 } } @PART[Soy-Juice]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 2.31 surface = 6.44 } } @PART[HGR_Leek]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 3.61 surface = 7.47 } } @PART[Radish]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 1.32 surface = 4.46 } } @PART[PumpkinLanderCabin]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 3.04 surface = 7.46 } } @PART[Spud]:NEEDS[FeatureHabitat]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[Habitat] { volume = 0.83 surface = 3.53 } } @PART[PumpkinLanderCabin] { %mass = 1.5 %maxTemp = 800 %skinMaxTemp = 1200 } B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,HGR] { name = LFO80Mono20 tankMass = 0.000625 tankCost = 0.00 RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel unitsPerVolume = 0.36 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer unitsPerVolume = 0.44 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant unitsPerVolume = 0.25 } } B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,HGR] { name = Mono80LFO20 tankMass = 0.000625 tankCost = 0.00 RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel unitsPerVolume = 0.09 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer unitsPerVolume = 0.11 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant unitsPerVolume = 1 } } B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,HGR] { name = Mono100 tankMass = 0.000625 tankCost = 0.00 RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant unitsPerVolume = 1.25 } } @PART[Lima]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch]:FIRST { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {} !MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]],* {} MODULE { name = ModuleB9PartSwitch moduleID = fuelSwitch switcherDescription = Supplies baseVolume = 200 SUBTYPE { name = LF/O tankType = LFO addedMass = -0.025 addedCost = -91.8 } SUBTYPE { name = LF/O/Monoprop tankType = LFO80Mono20 addedMass = -0.125 addedCost = -91.8 } SUBTYPE { name = Monoprop/LF/O tankType = Mono80LFO20 addedMass = -0.125 addedCost = -91.8 } SUBTYPE { name = Monoprop tankType = Mono100 addedMass = -0.125 addedCost = -91.8 } } } @PART[Soy-Juice]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @description = The Soy-Juice system was developed as a reliable low cost solution to delivering Kerbals to orbit. That'll show those wasteful Rockomax lovers!\n<i>This is low-orbit pod configuration. Life support systems must be provided by an orbital module.</i> !MODULE[ProcessController]:HAS[!#resource[_PressureControl]],* {} !MODULE[Configure],* {} %RESOURCE[Nitrogen] { %amount = 300 %maxAmount = 300 } } @PART[HGR_Leek]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[ProcessController],* { @capacity *= 2 } %RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 31.491405 maxAmount = 31.491405 } %RESOURCE[Water] { name = Water amount = 12.1 maxAmount = 12.1 } %RESOURCE[Oxygen] { name = Oxygen amount = 2978.7 maxAmount = 2978.7 } } @PART[OnionNew]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { @MODULE[ProcessController],* { @capacity *= 2 } %RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 94.474215 maxAmount = 94.474215 } %RESOURCE[Water] { name = Water amount = 36.3 maxAmount = 36.3 } %RESOURCE[Oxygen] { name = Oxygen amount = 8936.1 maxAmount = 8936.1 } } @PART[OnionNew2]:NEEDS[Kerbalism]:AFTER[Kerbalism] { %RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 62.98281 maxAmount = 62.98281 } %RESOURCE[Water] { name = Water amount = 24.2 maxAmount = 24.2 } %RESOURCE[Oxygen] { name = Oxygen amount = 5957.4 maxAmount = 5957.4 } }
  12. @Steven Mading, fair point. For the challenges posted so far, I guess, there is no need of relying onto a satellite network. I think, it's safe to assume a relay network in Kerbin orbit for missions beyond Kerbin SOI. For Mun missions, I'd encourage use of extra ground stations because this is how it was in real life. I've added a clarification to the OP.
  13. Since this challenge seems to be dead, I decided to post a new kOS challenge thread here. The challenges are aimed to reproduce the achievements of real-life space programs. Rules: Launch an automated mission controlled by kOS. Manual control is allowed on uncrewed missions in the form of typing commands into kOS console. On crewed missions, manual RCS controls and action group triggers are also allowed. All spacecraft must have an antenna on board which is capable of reaching Mission Control (if it is in sight) or relay network. Required mods: kOS RemoteTech Recommended mods: Community Tech Tree SETI-UbM or other probe-first tech trees Kerbal Engineer Redux RealChute FAR Some kind of life support Other noteworthy mods: KSC Switcher to launch from non-equatorial sites for extra bonuses Since the challenge lies mostly in programming and mission planning, part mods are allowed. Mods that do piloting other than kOS are disallowed. You can still use MechJeb info panels if you need. Notes on RemoteTech usage. Signal delay must be on. Antenna ranges must be in either in Root mode with RangeMultiplier = 0.5 or in Standard mode with RangeMultiplier = 1. Extra ground stations are allowed and their range may be increased to cover the whole Kerbol system. Number of ground stations is limited to 10. One set of extra stations can be found in the SETI pack. Missions beyond Kerbin SOI assume the existence of a relay network in Kerbin orbit. Otherwise, the launch of relay network must also be demonstrated if the mission relies on it. Scoring: Base score for each challenge is 100 points. Bonuses and penalties are applied in the form of score multipliers. Manual command penalty for all challenges: score x0.9 for every command entered in terminal after liftoff (command is a sentence ended with a period) Challenge list (The ones that have the description marked bold) V-2 Sputnik Corona Vostok Luna Syncom Molniya Gemini Surveyor Venera Mariner Apollo Viking Kerbal Positioning System Vega Cassini Falcon Mission descriptions: Mission badges Sputnik Vostok Luna
  14. Well, an entry for level 1, then (link to code in the video description). Some things are unclear, though. For example, why transposition & docking is even needed for a Mun-capable craft? Or: do all missions need to be manned?
  15. Есть ещё шанс попросить сквадов в русской локализации поменять m на м на шкале альтиметра?
  16. @Kerbal101, что за контракт на полёт к Солнцу?
  17. @Kerbal101, я смотрю, там кавайный радарчик со СКАНСата стоит. Доделана программа беспилотной посадки на Муну. Видео (опять ночной запуск, кОС почему-то это любит):
  18. @Kerbal101, я же про мод от ЛГГ, который как раз добавляет индикатор ориентации стыковочного узла на навболл.
  19. @Kerbal101, на навболле ориентацию тоже видно. В градусах только не пишет точно. А можно, кстати, делать как в жизни - рядом с каждым стыковочным узлом крепить какую-нибудь детальку, которая будет показывать, где у него "верх".
  20. @Kerbal101, эта камера от Денни. Проверка-коррекция - это не то. Лучше тогда установить мод на внешний индикатор или индикацию на нависфере. Это я смотрю, каких модов мне не хватает для перехода на 1.3, и что можно заменить другими.
  21. @Kerbal101, а у HullCam есть индикатор ориентации докпортов на картинке, как в OLDD?
  22. @Kerbal101, это не рыбка, это кракен натуральный.
  23. Доделан запуск на полярную орбиту Муны. Очень наглядное видео: Опять кое-что пошло немного не так, пришлось перезагружать в полёте. Но, в итоге, обошлось нормально.
  24. Продолжена программа автоматического (kOS) исследования "Муна". Первый аппарат был успешно запущен на траекторию столкновения, это было аж две недели назад. Теперь к нему добавился облётный зонд, который был запущен со свободным возвратом. В полёте возникли некоторые неполадки, пришлось на лету переписывать программу управления. В итоге, удалось загрузить исправленную программу, вернуть контроль над аппаратом и полностью выполнить план полёта. Программируется сканер для выхода на полярную орбиту и разведки мест, пригодных для посадки.
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