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Knight of St John

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Everything posted by Knight of St John

  1. That sounds like it could be a bug on my side, and not waterfall. I'll check the engine configs, maybe I screwed something up. If it's not that, you should post this in waterfall. About the unbinding of the engines: I have no idea what could cause that.
  2. Not yet, but it will. I'm still in the process of making the plumes. give it another week or two, and you'll have your rcs plumes.
  3. yea i tried that, but the alpha shaders in waterfall have really janky sorting. so the smoke mesh flickers on and off, and sometimes dissapears when you look at certain angles. it's a shame. when they get more stable i'll update. well, the right way to do that is to incorporate these plumes into WaterfallReStock. But since the cheetah and wolfhound are really hypergolic in real life, I doubt Nertea will opt for these hydrolox plumes.
  4. Just released version 0.3.1: Minor changes: - Deconflicted with Engine Lighting Relit. Now only the waterfall lighting will display when both mods are active on an engine. - Streamlined compatibility with RealPlume.
  5. it would just display both. I'll make a quick release with a fix for that tomorrow that will disable engine lighting relit for the engines i've configured.
  6. Well I thought I'd just drop this over here as well The new release of Stock Waterfall Effects has 9 new plumes, and some added effects!
  7. The new release is out! Major changes in version 0.3.0: • Now runs on waterfall 0.6.1 or higher. (Make sure to install the latest waterfall version) • New engines configured: Bobcat Cheetah Dart Kodiak Mastodon Skiff Wolfhound • New methalox plumes for the Terrier and Poodle. • Engine lighting added to all configured engines. • Light refraction effects added to all configured engines.
  8. Yes. However, it's got way too high Isp for a hypergolic engine. And I'm basing the plumes off of the actual function in the game, rather than the real life counterpart if there's a conflict.
  9. Alright people. I'm getting very close to a major update with many new engines, including most of the making history ones. Expect it tomorrow or the day after. In the meantime, have a look at this improved methalox plume for the poodle (and terrier):
  10. Yep, I know about this. I caught that bug and it's already fixed in my dev-branch. It'll be in the next release too of course.
  11. my release doesn't have smoke in the generator plumes for these reasons. Also, I believe the smoke showing through the craft itself is a bug that has been fixed by waterfall. Not sure if that fix is already released though.
  12. these are looking promising. I quite like the panther and whiplash. the rapier is good too, but I prefer my own config :-) As I mentioned in the main Waterfall thread, I'm already on track to finish all of the rocket engines, But I'm still lacking some jets. I feel like the ones you made are a very good start. And if you want to submit them for this mod, I'd be happy to help finalize them.
  13. speaks in Batman voice "I work alone" No but seriously. It's great that you want to work on making waterfall plumes. I'm currently almost finished with the stock rocket engines, and would like to finish them myself. I'm incorporating some of @Zorg's work too for the kerolox and hypergolic plumes. What we don't have configs for yet is the jets. I already made a Rapier plume, but nothing yet for the whiplash or panther. So if you fancy making a plume for either one of those, be my guest. If it is good, I may very well incorporate it in my mod :-)
  14. Well, the fact that you guys have a Nertea-fan-club over there is making me more confident that KSP2 is on track to being exceedingly awesome. You all certainly know the community well, which shows the level of dedication the KSP2 team has for the game. It's been great to see the awesome WIP stuff being released.
  15. Thank you :-) Nertea is the real hero here though. He's been working tirelessly on developing this mod, so that us ksp-players can make our own plumes like the one above. There's more where that one came from ;-)
  16. This is looking promising. You guys might be interested in @Nertea's Waterfall mod for KSP1. @Zorg and myself have been creating some wonderful exhaust plumes with said mod that look very similar to what Aaron has been making. As an example, this is my most recent plume design for the aerospike. it shows throttling up, then expansion due to decreasing atmospheric pressure. If I have to give a constructive point of criticism, I'd point to the white-clipping of the plume when the intensity gets too high. But I'm sure that you guys have noticed that as well :-) and might even be intentional.
  17. I finished the aerospike. next up is the Wolfhound, Cheetah, Skiff, and a rework of the poodle, terrier and rapier methalox plumes. all that will be in the next release.
  18. Hmm yes, it's an edge-case. very decent isp in vacuum, which means that if it had a bell nozzle, it'd be even better. so we're looking at poodle or better in terms of isp. And because the only irl example i can find is hydrolox, I went with that. Same for the Skiff. it's got good isp, but not better than the poodle, although that's probably because it's not as much vacuum optimized. so I'm still debating if it'll be hydrolox or methalox. its model is based on a hydrolox engine though.
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