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  1. Ah, It seems it was a problem with the biplane tail skid from the firespitter mod. It provides more resistance than a wheel, and was preventing my biplanes from budging an inch with such low thrust. Once I switched to a normal back wheel my planes work exactly as you described. But the engines used to have much higher stationary thrust, why the change? Is it more realistic this way? Thank you so much for this mod, I love combining it with a bunch of other mods to make ww1-ww2 dogfights.
  2. Really great mod, but all the engines in my game have really low thrust. The tornado engine only generates 2.5 thrust. In an earlier version it worked fine, but I can't seem to figure out why it isn't working anymore. I tried a fresh install of the game with only airplane plus, so it can't be a mod conflict or a bad save. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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