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Space Crystal

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  1. does while loading it show other directories than squad. and are there mods in your gamedata folder? See picture. https://imgur.com/a/HxlQW2w
  2. Hello, I have kerbalism and another mod (I think it's kerbal acadamy) that wants me to do an eva report at the mission control. But kerbalism removes the ksc science locations making it impossible, how can i get them back? i've seen this post: talking about unity tags but where can i find those, i've already browsed the config files of both kerbalism and squad but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. I downloaded ksp 1.2.2. on my apple laptop but it doesn't load. I opened it directly from download and it stop's at the loading Asset Bundle Definition.(I don't know if that means anything but just in case) this is what I mean it does load the funny yellow texts and the images but it just stops loading. there isn't even a log created so i am not able to include it.:-(
  4. I...I...I... aaargh. why doesn't it work? every time I try to launch ksp 1.2.2 is just stops loading right at the start. why? has it been solved? have the dev's been informed? help!
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