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  1. Hello all, one small issue I am having with the new version is that after a plane has deployed chutes it is too big to airlaunch without going into the editor to reset them. Unfortunately, this forces a refurbish (at least I am guessing that is what is happening) and it takes nearly a 1/3 of the build time.
  2. Quick question. I had a kerbal level up mid-mission and they got the quirk game addict. I had to cut the mission short when they ran low on health faster than expected. However, they continued to lose health back at the KSC and died. Do you think the health decay of game addict continued once landed ? If so, what modification can I make to only apply the decay when assigned? Thanks
  3. Sorry if this had been asked elsewhere, I could not find it with a search How can I add the new launch sites -- Desert and Woomerang as ground stations? It appears that if I turn on occlusion by planets there isn't a station within LOS to those launch pads so I get no connection. thanks for the help!
  4. Thank you very much for this mod, It adds so much to the game for me. Two small suggestions: The inflatable 2.5 meter heat shield (located early in the landing baranch ) and the 800 unit battery (located in early in the engineering branch) are both located off their main branch, thermal and electric respectively. They are better parts than the first few tiers of unlocks in the main branches and make it so you don't have to touch them for a long way into the game. I think both these parts are a little too powerful for where they are located.
  5. I changed your fix to: Tech { id = antennas2 state = Available cost = 15 } And it appeared to work once I purchased the antenna in R&D
  6. Same problem as Bob810 above. The Long Range Antenna node has been researched but the parts are not "owned". The option to purchase them gives a nullreferenceexception. They are not available in the VAB
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