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Everything posted by Ed_

  1. Just a quick message to say thanks for your help with this! I'm merrily visiting asteroids as we speak
  2. I mean I did a complete reinstall from scratch of everything.... I'm assuming that there won't be anything saved to the registry or outside the KSP folder?
  3. Completely fresh install of KSP and GPP, ran a new game forward for several years, still no unknown objects appearing. I definitely remember seeing stacks of asteroids in previous versions of GPP, so I'm at a complete loss here!
  4. So I experimented a little - I took out every mod leaving just the Squad folder, started a new game and asteroids were there in the Kerbin system. Then I added a fresh install of GPP, Kopernicus & ModularFlight, started a new game and no asteroids. Tested in all 3 game modes and still nothing. I'll try reinstalling KSP as well and will report back!
  5. Yes I upgraded everything in the new game just for the purposes of testing, and still no asteroids to be seen!
  6. I'm not 100% sure if this has happened since 1.2.2 but there are 0 asteroids anywhere in the system. I did post here previously about issues with asteroids because I'd forgotten to switch them on in the tracking station (because I'm an idiot) but this time I'm positive they're just not there. I removed Research Bodies to no effect, and I tried starting a new game and the same thing happened - no unknown objects anywhere. What have I done this time?!
  7. Ohhhh wow, I just spotted that filter in the TS and thought I should come back here and own up for being so dumb. Thanks guys, I'll be over here in the stupid corner wearing the dunce hat if anyone needs me.
  8. I'm visiting asteroids for the first time since I installed GPP, but hitting a weird problem: when I try and target an asteroid inflight it makes me go track it first in the tracking station - so far so normal - but when I try to track it its orbit appears but the asteroid itself disappears until I click on a different body, at which point the asteroid reappears but the orbit disappears. No matter what I do the asteroid remains an unknown object. I have Research Bodies installed as well, could it be an issue with that? I would try pointing a telescope at it, but I can't do that without being able to target it first. Any ideas?!
  9. Ahhh ok I feel less inadequate now. I'll roll back to 1.1.3 so I can try RO. Will I need to tweak the settings in Real Heat with RO + RSS? Many thanks.
  10. Hi guys, I've just started a new career on kspie + rss on 1.2.2, Really enjoying the higher level of difficulty - I've finally managed to get into orbit after many failed attempts. On reentry though I keep burning up no matter how shallow the angle of attack. I'll be lucky to get below 100km before the pod blows up. I'm using a mk1 pod with an extra heat shield below it, but no matter how well positioned I am the pod still overheats. Am I missing a mod or something to rebalance heat? I tried deadly reentry but it didn't seem to do anything. Very grateful for any ideas!
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