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Posts posted by Siama

  1. 1 hour ago, Lisias said:

    Please mention the KSP version you are using

    Sorry) I'm using 1.8.1 but I think it's just syntax issue. Take a look to GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache:

    	parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Engine/ionEngine/ionEngine.cfg
    		name = ionEngine
    		module = Part
    		author = Chris Adderley (Nertea)
    			name = TweakScale
    			type = stack
    			defaultScale = 0.625
    				mass = 2.5
    			name = TweakScale:FOR
    			type = stack
    			defaultScale = 0.625
    			scaleFactors = 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.625, 0.95, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5

    And this one cannot be tweakscaled at all:

    	parentUrl = WarpPlugin/Parts/Engines/AluminiumEngine/LiquidMetalInjectionEngine.cfg
    		module = Part
    		name = AluminiumLiquidMetalEngine
    		author = TD
    			name = IntegratedRadiator
    			partMass = 5
    			isDeployable = false
    			emissiveColorPower = 6
    			radiatorArea = 4
    			keepMaxPartTempEqualToMaxRadiatorTemp = false
    			type = stack_interstellar
    			defaultScale = 2.5
    			scaleFactors = 0.625, 0.95, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40


  2. On 3/22/2020 at 11:42 PM, Tonka Crash said:

    but I wasn't having any luck getting the smelter to actually heat up

    Change from

    ElectricCharge = 0.002459947 // 0.005590789*0.44


    ElectricCharge = 0.002459947 -0.002459947 // 0.005590789*0.44 and 100% of consumed EC goes to heat

    (and same for remelter) will heat the furnace but I'm not sure about proportions (and where excess heat goes).

    @taniwha, is Ingredient.heat == 1 Joule == 1 EC ? Will it explode someday if generated heat is not consumed explicitly in the recipe (as in LFOFired mode) or radiators will handle it?

  3. On 1/13/2020 at 1:39 PM, FreeThinker said:

    Not sure what is causing this behavior. To help me reproduce it, could you explain exactly what parts you use to reproduce the issue?

    Damn. Now I'm unable to reproduce it too. Just reinstalled ksp from scratch one more time and that's it...  "Energy flow" and indicated "Power supply" still decreasing over time when it should not (perfectly round orbit around the Kerbol, craft oriented to have =1.00 exposure) but Electric Charge is not affected anymore.

    It was old plugin version :)So this is my test craft: https://pastebin.com/vQ5J3yKi (mk1pod + tweakscaled 3 times batteryBankMini + largeSolarPanel)

  4. 6 minutes ago, pmborg said:

    increasing to infinity

    I see that it is proportional to "free space for electric charge". Charging battery will reduce demand value. And if I lock EC flow on my Big Test Battery, demand will instantly drop to 15MW from few GW.

    Moreover this bug requires additional power source to operate :) With 3 parts (command pod + battery + solar panel) I have 35W consumption before deploying panel and less than (and constant!) 1MW after. But with PB-NUK added... demand value is rising as battery discharges and 4GW is not the limit.


  5. Transmitting new experiments data:

    More power can be produced by panel - more it will waste after retraction. Discharge rate numerically equals to Energy flow at moment when you push "retract solar panel" or "disable receiver" button.


    New test craft was cheated to sun orbit. Energy flow from panel: 837 (btw, why it is decaying?)


    And new screenshot a second later - discharging rate 836



  6. I was pretty sure that problem is somewhere in MJ<->EC converter and my problem is related to @pmborg's one: "basically Megajoules Vanish without doing nothing". Just tested different setups and found out that supercaps seems to be fine. But all retractable solar panels insanely eating my ec since (at least) KSPIE- as it is first version for KSP-1.8.1 i've found. No exceptions in log and this is not reproducible with stock ksp-1.8.1.


    On 1/6/2020 at 9:21 AM, FreeThinker said:

    We need to find out the minimum set of parts where this problem start to arrize

    2 parts: any command pod and giantor solar panel. Before launch it will consume only about 0.03 ec/sec. Extend panel and retract it back. Drain will be about 10 ec/sec and 0.1MJ/sec so you will run out of charge in less than a second.

    Can you reproduce it?



    Just start retracting so panel animation is not finised yet.

    Mods in use: only KSPIE and dependencies



  8. 17 hours ago, Starwaster said:

    So you have to enter the orbit altitude manually. It doesn't have to be exact but it does have to be close enough to put you in the right area. You can even do it a little lower or a little higher and then do a Hohmann Transfer.

    Yeah. Set desired altitude a bit higher (+1..2km) and perform "match velocities with target at closest approach" maneuver instead of circularization. After that I have average distance to target about 700m and zero relative velocity. From launch to docking in 2 clicks.

  9. 15 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    but technically you should be able create CO2 from burning Carbon in Oxygen. I will see If we can add it...

    I tried to do this and almost got it. First step - unlock fuel flow/transfer for Carbon in CRP config. Now ISRUs can work with Carbon (and produce it from SolarWind/SaltWater). Second - clone ModuleResourceConverter in ISRU config and rewrite input/output resources. Something like this


                ResourceName = Carbon
                Ratio = 1 // 12g/mol, take 1kg
                ResourceName = LqdOxygen
                Ratio = 2.667 // 16g/mol, required 2*16/12 for 1kg of C
                ResourceName = ElectricCharge
                Ratio = 32 // ignite? feed? control?
                ResourceName = LqdCO2
                Ratio = 3.667 // 44g/mol, 1/12*44 per 1kg of C
                DumpExcess = False
                ResourceName = WasteHeat
                Ratio = 30 // 30 MJ/kg
                DumpExcess = False

    But I'm not sure about units used for "Ratio". Is it mass or volume units?

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