Sorry for some dumb questions but just learning kos scripting, but how do I set stage 1 separation to AG7 and stage 2 ignition to AG6 fairings to AG5, and not sure what orbitphasetime is?
this is what i've set variables to
set TargetApoapsis to 120 .
set TargetInc to 0.
set siteinc to 0.
set launcht to 10.
set fairingjetalt to 50000.
set HED to (90+siteinc)-TargetInc.
set dPs to .5.
set gravturnstalt to 1.
set endangle to 0.
set Parkingorbit to 30000.
IF parkingorbit = 1 {
set Orbitphasetime to 720.
set finalorbitalaltitude to 300000.
set stage to 0.
set payloadjett to 300.
set count3 to 0.
set count2 to 1.
set count1 to 40.