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Everything posted by 53miner53

  1. 1609: You wonder how many floors on this building are empty. This one certainly is.
  2. My space shuttles were built in house. shuttle servicing center on my hill.
  3. Is confused about the rules for this topic. This horizontal assembly building...
  4. Banned for banning multiple people at once.
  5. They refused the offer. What does this button with 4 squares on it do?
  6. Ok. I didn't think that any of the panels are broken
  7. It has a few too many parts. The station does have some solar panels though, so the panels and RTGs on your module aren't entirely necessary.
  8. @DiscoveryKSP, @ZooNamedGames Posted it in his google drive.
  9. The save file should be uploaded within 15 minutes I think @DiscoveryKSP. I'm going to jump in after you since I have time for it now.
  10. Copper 1 is unofficially complete! Unofficial because I need to post the craft file and pics Payload to LKO: 1 ton Customer cost: 27,000 Height: 20m Description: low tech and price launch vehicle with a reusable first stage and a second stage that can be used as a service module for its payload. Also can be launched without a payload and rendezvous with something to bring it further. Link: https://kerbalx.com/53miner53/Copper-1 also, I would like to schedule a demo launch with a demo payload I will supply. Launch to 100km and 0° inclination. Do not detach the second stage from the payload. Edit: I should probably say that the demo payload should not be disconnected from the second stage.
  11. @DiscoveryKSP is up! @ZooNamedGames said he was finished on the Discord channel.
  12. Quick question for PPs: would anyone be interested in a lifter whose final stage could act as a service module for their payload, where the stage will have the power generation and storage, RCS, and propulsion, and stay attached to the payload, while the payload is mostly equipment required for the specific mission?
  13. I have 2 rocket only SSTOs. No craft files yet, because I can't upload them from my phone, and they aren't complete yet. Challenger ended up as an SSTO, though it does separate the shuttle from the boosters after it achieves orbit. It also has an escape system consisting of the entire crewed section. I don't know exactly how much it can take to LKO though, but it does include up to 20 Kerbals. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmVWEtb190M3pMYXc pics are a little out of date, and because of this they do not include the third launch booster, the recovery equipment for the boosters, and the generation 2 escape system which allows for pad abort. The other, named Reusable SSTO 1, is not entirely complete, as I'm planning on adding more fuel to optimize it. It currently can take 20.9 tons to LKO. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmdXU2MjZma3ZvRjQ It flies reentry tail first and lands on parachutes, and is surprisingly stable while tail first when it has little to no fuel left.
  14. Banned for 2500 posts (congrats BTW)
  15. (To the tune of the batman theme) na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na SPACE SHUTTLE!!!!
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