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Everything posted by 53miner53

  1. I haven't done that yet, but I'm up next, and I was planning on doing that during my turn.
  2. Banned for not overbuilding your rocket
  3. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmNEdEcnVxNU5UamM
  4. when you get it to Laythe, can you rescue Jeb and Bill? They're in what's left of my first Airplane 1.0.1 Space in the oceans of Laythe.
  5. @Tex probably is very annoyed with us by now.
  6. Grows servers in a garden. The building is an orbiter processing facility...
  7. "One of the struts broke, so the launch craft underwent RUD."
  8. system.out.println("Banned for restarting the system.");
  9. It's a good idea to look at the station using the tracking station before you launch to make sure you will be able to dock when you arrive.
  10. Heaviest payload to date: 168 ton fuel pod. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmM1VCZ3NFYjBVZ3c STS 3 from the STS challenge thread: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmek44ZkJ4QzNXb2c these pictures are a little outdated, but they show the capabilities of the shuttle well. They show the LR shuttle, which has extra LF to increase the range.
  11. We were going to make surface bases, but I'm not sure where the Mun base went. Surface bases have their own part limits: 10 parts and up to 4 landing gear or landing legs
  12. If anyone needs me to launch extra fuel to LKO to refuel something, Columbia is perfect for the job. I could bring 2 Rockomax 64 tanks up easily, and it has a large internal fuel store of LF+O and monoprop.
  13. Banned for thinking he's right. It would be rounding down to 3, not up to 3.
  14. Question: could I have a 5th engine for moving on the ground? And would a tail strike be counted if it breaks the runway instead of the plane?
  15. Known for joining the forums before I did. Next person: please don't mention the space shuttles I built!
  16. You guys are doing it wrong, here is @Tex spam: @Tex @Tex @Tex @Tex @Tex Etc.
  17. Ok! The Sr docking ports can be hard to tell which direction they are pointing sometimes. @rocketbuilder is up! I noticed the save file is a folder instead of a .zip file.
  18. I'm uploading the space probe now Edit: Here it is!
  19. Since theres only 1 more part than the max,(docking ports don't count towards the part limit) ok.
  20. Banned for implying you broke KSP
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