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  • Location
    East Coast, USA
  • Interests
    Active Duty USCG. KSP, Eve Online, my kids, my wife. Not necessarily in that order.
  1. I am having a bit of an issue with the MPL-MK-1-CC-1. It has everything it needs, power, scientist, etc....and it has 97/100 data and when I tell it to "research" it doesn't do anything. The science per day is still at 0.0000/day. After talking with a fellow KSP player trying to figure this one out, we have determined it has something to do with the "Stats: Locked". I have scoured the interwebs looking for anything related to this with no luck. Any ideas? Below is a screenshot of the tooltip for the module. http://prntscr.com/drefe8 Thanks, Don
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