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Everything posted by grawl

  1. Nice! I do too ! 1° off and you\'ll pass by more than 50km of your target !
  2. Well... I ve been managing to get it to orbital altitude. But then when I separate the boosters and activate the Shuttle engines, they are just too much unbalanced, they make it spin all around. It handles like a charm in athmosphere though. Here is one screen and the big boostahs craft file if you wanna try it for yourself. Maybe tweak your shuttle a bit, I think i\'ve seen people putting a medium motor at the bottom of the tricoupler to keep thrust balance. Or maybe only one small motor at the bottom but 2 rcs tanks?
  3. Vostok, I was wondering, why is there 2 tri-couplers at the back of the shuttle? Is it for balancing it, or simply aesthetic?
  4. I\'m gonna try this and get back with pictures =P ...I\'m stuck in the VAB with an \'\'how to put THIS tank on THIS decoupler\'\' issue...Pictures will come after a good night of sleep ??? I\'ve got a Buran-style stock launcher in the works Can\'t wait to see what your shuttle is capable of in space ! Do you know any way to solve my VAB problem?
  5. Don\'t they add a bit of airflow to the engines, the little round intakes working better at low alts and the bigger square one at high alts? I\'m pretty sure that\'s the behavior I noticed, when right-clicking on the motor part during flight. It does not seem to matter where you put the intakes. I didn\'t try putting them backward yet though. ???
  6. I\'ll need to verify again, but it seems for me that ships made in the VAB have the chase cam, while ships made in the HAB don\'t.
  7. A floating point error is when your numbers are so big that they don\'t know where to put the decimal separator (or something like that). It is a classic problem in computer engineering. I think it is the source of the Kraken in Ksp, for exemple. Ariane 5\'s first launch was a disaster I remember watching the launch on TV when I was younger, did like 1km, started to lean on one side and then exploded, after all the hype around the launch it was sad :\'( If my info is accurate, engineers on the space program didn\'t anticipate floating point errors, and that made the rocket\'s autopilot go nuts as soon as the rocket left the pad. Your project is looking good so far! Do you consider making your parts 'standard width' => 0,5m, 1m, 2m, 3m ?
  8. Wow ! That looks beautiful ! I cannot wait to see the textured model in action !
  9. Me too, i like that big white block look Ariane 5 got (plus a bit of chauvinism, nobody\'s perfect :-X ) Will you include floating point errors ? =P Can\'t wait for the finished model !
  10. grawl


    I pretty much liked Spore, exploring all the possibilities in cell/creature stage and after, and finding new planets to terraform and populate in space stage is cool ! =P It becomes repetitive in the long run, but the fact that you can actually design all that revolves around your creature makes it new almost every play (creativity speaking, game mechanisms don\'t change that much between herbivor, carnivor, or omnivor). I ended up doing some weird anatomies and trying to make it survive best cheers.
  11. Hey! Nice vid! You should try to start rotating your rocket progressively, instead of pivoting it 90° in one time. Begin the turn when you\'ve got rid of the boosters, and progressively pivot the rocket (not too fast!!). When you reach 60-70000m cut the engines and wait for apoapsis. A bit before reaching it, position your ship so that it points to the velocity vector, and restart the motors! Adjust the rocket trajectory so that you never pass apoapsis (start falling). This is what happened to you in the last vid and it makes you loose a lot of altitude and fuel. Hope i\'ve been of some help! Cheers!
  12. My last interplanetary test ship, during a non-athmospheric landing training mission. Liftoff! We got ignition... High in Kerbin Skies ! The 3 motors around the fairings are not active during ascent, only in final stage. A nice picture (from Munar Probe Mk1 ) Job done! I\'m thinking about using the \'crane\' as a com relay/service module/recon sat when docking\'s here. After landing, I still got plenty of fuel left and a lot of room (literally) for improvemen[ts under the hood. It\'s just about more fuel and more powerful engines =P
  13. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10749.0 My solution\'s not actually bringing a rover here, but could well carry it ! What\'s the weight of these beauties?
  14. Hello ! I\'d like to present you the IBEX2, a ship that can climb mountains !!!!! (not literally but, you know,can carry some that will... well..anyway.) Proud from some successful landings on the moon, the pilots wanted to try something more exciting...... !!PLANETS Jeb screamed. I know they exist here somewhere even if the Great Kerbinist Science assembly says contrary ! So, while they are training (can take a while) we here at UDK tech are cleaning the grounds for when they get ready! Got all a line of probes and satellites relay technology going on, paving the way for plausible planet apparition in the sky, getting tested currently on Kerbin and the Mün. So, here is a flexible model that can take all sorts of large payloads anywhere near Kerbin, and leave them there, yeah, nothing more , nothing less. I made some kind of pre-visit planetary probe, but it can also be used as seismometer, radio relay, or a temporary refuge for lost Kerbonauts on the moon! I used stock parts and some tanks, motors and sticks from Probodobodobodyne and SiliskoEdition and Kosmos. (but only a few things). Eeeaaasyyyyy..... GO! Fly little birdI use it as a working prototype craft for the future planets updates, I\'m gonna have a ship ready to face their dangers when they arrive! It\'s basically a space crane. Here are pictures and .craft. Use it, modify it, crash it (eventually) I tried to make the crane fit in a classic design, it\'s quite hard with these motors on the side ! Tell me what you fellow Kerbonauts think ! I think this is gonna be awesome when docking gets integrated! Something needs to bring safely the modules to planets/moons, heh ! I\'ll have to work on the maneuverability of the ship while stationary for more precision landing (more RCS thrusters !) cheers
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