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Everything posted by saxyomega90125

  1. Good to know I'm not the only one seeing Kerbin's sea level go wonky. I just had the flight control tower under, VAB roof under, only the VAB helipads still above the water. I've seen minor floods and severe droughts, but never bad enough that the VAB was almost submerged. It's a hell of a day at sea, sir! I've only ever had it immediately after loading a quicksave that was made in the KSC scene, and yep a scene change always fixes it. "I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And I don't know what's inside it!" - Jack Kerman, taking a surface sample
  2. I've been enjoying this mod for a long time. Recently upgraded KSP from an older version to 1.2.2, and while tweaking all my mod settings I noticed that EVA reports while flying are back to being biome-dependant. Was the feature that made them biome-independant removed? I do run a lot of mods, but it still happens on a clean 32-bit install with just MM and this mod.
  3. I have my own skybox I've been using for a while, so I may as well share it. I made it using SpaceEngine (kudos to SpaceEngineer for that masterpiece in progress) and some crafty finagling to convince it to work with me, and positioned Kerbol a bit over 400ly from Sol. Despite the completely different perspective, you might recognize the open cluster in the top right of the screenshot, and there's plenty of other sights to see. The textures are 4K; I'll put up a 2K version soon when I have time to fuss with the DDS conversions. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2q2svishoc4sk47/saxyomega90125 KSP skybox.zip?dl=0 I strongly recommend use with Distant Object Enhancement's skybox dimming, to prevent weird things from happening on Kerbin and to let you control the maximum brightness - even I use it at 95%. On a completely unrelated note, I'm going to add a link to RangeMachine's version of TextureReplacer for KSP 1.2, since I had bit of a tough time finding it myself and I'm sure others will look for it. https://github.com/RangeMachine/TextureReplacer/releases
  4. I've been running 1.0.5 until now, and my game always crashed at the end of a simulation anyway. I don't think it's a bug, just the sheer volume of mods I run. In career I just deal with it and reload (SSD ftw) because of the sim costs, but most of the time I play in science mode and have found a better way that doesn't require yet another mod. I just use a Sandbox save literally called 'test'. I copy the .craft files from my actual save to that, build and warp until done, launch, and record problems and revision ideas on a piece of paper. You can also quicksave and use notepad++ to edit the ship into various orbits, which is a simple thing to do and useful for testing rovers, landers, and ships you will be building in orbit (so you can make sure they work first, then worry about getting them there).
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