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The CanineCraver

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Everything posted by The CanineCraver

  1. FYI,I've spent hours getting KSP to work with excessive amount of mods, back on topic...Banned not knowing where you live.
  2. As you guys can se I changed my profile pic.

    Figured it was time to be more kerbaly.

  3. Banned for thinking that Kerbal Space Program is "working".(Even though it kinda is)
  4. Hey everyone,I just wanted to let you know,I will be changing the name of the planet-pack,and I need your help.If you have any suggestions plz let me know.

    I also have been working on the mod,even though progress has been slow.I am still learning kopernicus and "trial and error" have been a big part of this endeavour.

    Thank you for all your support so far and I will post more updates,as no one wants to be left in the dark :wink:.

    P.s. I am still looking for aid in coding and textures,I'm learning both but as I said,progress is slow.

  5. Banned for NOT encouraging others to ban someone...
  6. @Q-ver KSP Banned for mixing a Rubik's cube with KSP. @kerbiloid Banned for not playing 3d Minecraft,if you don't.
  7. Banned for having 3 dots above your picture, Not banned for being a dog.
  8. Banned for making us think there's a way to be an engineer without thinking.
  9. I am happy that you updated this mod to work again,only the problem is that it still has one issue that I have encountered so far,Lamancha does not have a visible atmosphere...
  10. Banned for banning him for not being xenophobic
  11. I just figured out that the interface is not compatible with window's edge,so I'm using windows explorer now,and,works,great!
  12. I want eve pretty badly,but sadly(hey that rhymed ) I cant manage to install it correctly or something.It won't work for me.How do you guys(and gals) do it?
  13. sorry it took me so long to respond I actually forgot about this post .I'm currently using window's edge. And thank you for the response!
  14. could this thread be moved to add-on development plz?
  15. This is some concept art I threw together, the One in the middle is Osan, meaning elements in swedish(I like using words translated to swedish as swedish words sound kinda Kerbal ). The moons starting at the white moon going clockwise are: Lumi, Vesi, Korsi, and Palo.Lumi means* snow, Vesi means water, Korsi means grass, and Palo means fire.Osan will be be pink, with purple rings(I thought a pink planet would be interesting, as I dont see many pink planets in planet mods), and will be a big gas giant, orbiting somewhere(The location has yet to be determined).The big white looking thing on the right is a star that's sucking up another star's matter. feedback would be appreciated, and thank you for the suggestions sofar. *note: all names here are swedish.
  16. @Streetwind,how do I ask I moderator,like where do I find them? P.S. Thank you for the suggestions.
  17. Personally I like Dres, I think it is a unique yet challenging planet(dwarf) to get to.
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