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    Math and physics, mostly.
    Music and programming additionally.

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  1. I fully understand. Sadly it'll take a while before things will go back to any resemblance of "normal"...
  2. I'm so incredibly sorry for you loss. Losing anyone important to you is hard to accept, but your mother...? I can't imagine what you're feeling right now...
  3. @blackrack I gave it another go and made extra sure I copied your TU fork. Parts definitely are transparent. I'm so sure I must've messed up somewhere. Did you modify Shabby etc. too? I didn't move those folders from the zip because I already had them installed. Are some TUFX settings incompatible?
  4. Huh... Maybe I grabbed the wrong copy. I'll try it again later to see if I can reproduce it, since I removed Deferred for the time being.
  5. While this wasn't today, recently I tried out Deferred! ...I'm gonna have to remake my personal TUFX configs, but overall it makes the game look a whole lot better (performance I couldn't really test because I don't have problems with performance right now, anyways). So congrats @blackrack, Deferred gets the totally meaningless "Delay(-ed) Seal Of Approval". However, I do have a problem with either it or the modified TU release, because my parts are all somewhat transparent. Not sure if there are extra steps I missed or if this actually a bug?
  6. I didn't know the "Can Elon Fix...?" kind survived to the modern age...
  7. @SunlitZelkova After reading all of that I'm kinda curious of what you think about Lemmino's take from 4 years ago... I know it's not... "right" to post videos here or whatever (though the thread's nature doesn't rule it out, does it?); I just can't help but wonder.
  8. No one said it was intentional, right?
  9. @eggrobin Can I just take a moment and thank you for not just mentioning what bugs were fixed but exactly how they were fixed? You're dealing with all of this very transparently and I'm all here for it!
  10. So we're just gonna ignore the bug fixes, dev chats, re-entry effects, new parts, science, etc? Stuff that's worked on and not yet in the builds we have access to? Don't get me wrong, this game is hateable, but please do it right.
  11. I was more thinking Wreckfest, but you make a good point with BeamNG. Scalability would probably be a problem with that approach. What I personally view as a big problem would be how to make soft-body physics play nicely with the part-by-part construction in KSP and docking/undocking.
  12. I can't really think of a good way to phrase it, so... Something something soft-body dynamics? Could that potentially work? I mean, it's a discipline that specifically deals with deformable objects and there are games that use it to plausibly simulate local damages and flexing (Strangely they're all vehicle simulations/racing games)... Yes, I do not have any expertise. So this doubles as an opportunity for me to ask why such an approach is infeasible should that be the case.
  13. I'm confused, didn't you already fix the RAM after I reported the same issue?
  14. @JonnyOThan It's an old issue that dates back a while.
  15. @JonnyOThan Is it possible to have the reentry FX be affected by TUFX as well? Right now they're not; if you turn down the color saturation all the way the whole scene is grayscale except for the bright orange plasma.
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