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Everything posted by Delay

  1. "Laughed" as in what? As in "humiliating" or as in "it was funny". In case 1, that really is just insulting and serves him right. In case 2: You don't decide what to find funny. I, for instance, have a somewhat dark/black sense of humor and laugh at things that are normally serious. If it was just funny for him, it's not deserved.
  2. I've decided to do this again... twice:
  3. I've decided on doing a bi-elliptic transfer with Ion engines (because of the dV). It's too close to wait for Jool to be in position, unfortunately. It will approximately take 16 minutes at full physics time warp for a 2900m/s burn. And I have a 3011m/s burn as well.
  4. Really quick, but good summary of KSP! Well done!
  5. I would love to go to space... But stepping into a Mission Control Center would suffice. I think MCC is even better than acually being in space.
  6. Looking through this thread, I kinda feel good about not remembering my dreams. It's the only time I "allow" my brain to do something illogical, so you can imagine how weird my dreams must be!
  7. Hi, In my KSP 1.3 career, I have accepted a contract to put a satellite into a Kerbol orbit. I already talked about it in the difficult contracts thread; basically I need a highly eccentric orbit around Kerbol... that goes retrograde. It has 179° inclination. Because the orbit goes beyond Jool, the idea to use its gravitational influence to do the work for me seems to be the best option to save fuel and time. The problem is that in over 3 (real) days of trying this kind of maneuver, I never consistantly got it to actually reverse my trajectory. I either get really close to that or Jool kicks me back to Kerbol (pushing up the Ap, but not reversing). Is this maneuver actually possible? If yes, how do I perform it (consistantly)?
  8. Banned for copying my earlier banning post. (banning sounds kinda like a swear word here)
  9. Banned for repeating the same thing, but with a capitalized B instead of a lower-case b.
  10. I just helped repairing a light. We took apart the entire base of the light to find that the fuse burnt out. Bought a new one and put it in, good as new.
  11. Jool will arrive in the correct position between 7 and 8 years from now (depending on where I want it to be). Is that still enough time? Also, I have problems getting the fly-by right. I've been testing the mission with probes for Sentinel contracts and most of the time Jool just throws me back to Kerbol instead of reversing my path.
  12. So, I need to get into a highly eccentric orbit around Kerbol, and it goes retrograde/clockwise. The idea I want to work with is to let Jool reverse my trajectory, then adjust until the requirements are met, which is difficult in itself. And I "only" have 11 years left before it expires!
  13. While this is not hypothetical or absurd: I don't really understand why every orbit is elliptal, but escape trajectories are hyperbolic. For me, it would make sense if it converged to a parabola the greater the speed is, not a straight line.
  14. I assume you mean the... controversy a from few months ago? It's fine for me. Your content is still enjoyable, no need to dwell on the past.
  15. How can you all draw so well? How did you learn that? It's not that I wouldn't like to draw, it''s that I just can't. Which got me a lot of 6 (german equivalent of an F) in school already (luckily, no art in 10th class). Just to give you an example of how bad I am: I can't draw a stick figure "properly". (Properly is in quotation marks because how do you define "properly" for such a simple object?). The only thing I'm good at is plotting things like Lissajous curves, but where's the fun and creativity when following a strict formula (literally)?
  16. Principia can do that. It adds n-body physics which are required for L-points to work .
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