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Everything posted by Delay

  1. You sound like one of those people in/on shopping programs telling you to buy stuff. I like it.
  2. I just looked at the comments myself... You weren't lying. He doesn't even understand that Polaris and the Sun orbit around a SMBH and therefore have similar speeds. He makes it sound like Polaris is standing still, despite the fact that "standing still" is impossible. I would like to slam my head on the table right now, but I still need it. And my head as well, of course.
  3. Hopefully this disease comes to a stop soon. Probably not; stupidity has been spreading for a few thousand years now...
  4. It's awesome to know that over 596,000 people have the same interest as me.
  5. Now YouTube has a countdown... before the countdown!
  6. You know what would be better than a mouse click? The space bar.
  7. Wrote a math exam today. I finished around 20 min early as usual, so I decided to generalize my integral for the volume of a pyramid to be independent of starting and ending "location". In other words, you can now calculate more than "just a pyramid". Aside from that I also decided to write down 24 random integers and sort them using LSD Radix Sort, just for fun... And I still had 2 minutes until the end of the lesson!
  8. Already done! 5 times, to be more precise. However, ISS passes now are in the morning when I still sleep or just got up. I think it's understandable if I don't run outdoors "just" to see the ISS before doing anything else.
  9. I honestly don't know why, but everytime my clock shows a time with "interesting" properties I stop what I'm doing to appreciate it (it's a 24-hour clock). Examples are 14:49:07 (7*2=14, 72=49), 23:45:06 (consecutive numbers) and 12:06:02 (6*2=12). I'm pretty sure that everything's fine with me, absolutely.
  10. And the square root of the three words is 12...
  11. I've never designed a mode before, but this might be because the creator wants to know what caused the unexpected behaviour in the first place so that he can fix it, rather than providing a work-around (doesn't really fix the problem)
  12. Banned for leaving out the person before me who complained about 762 posts.
  13. Granted. You were hit by a car that day, however. Now it's too late for regrets as you get hit by that car again, and again, and again... I wish humanity would colonize the moon.
  14. Take a picture with your phone's camera and post it here. That should resolve the problem. Edit: Okay, phone's currently being repaired... Take a camera then, you must have one lying around somewhere. Heck, use one with film and develop the pictures it if you have to!
  15. Apparently yes. I'll be honest; it wouldn't surprise me nowadays.
  16. History teachers? Space race in school? History teachers covering the space race? What sorcery is this? Let's see what we got in the last 2 years of school... Holocaust, Dritte Reich, Berlin wall, USSR and FRG (Federal Republic of Germany)... yup, we got lots of variety over here.
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