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Everything posted by Delay

  1. How many digits of Pi do you know? I know 42 digits, 43 with the leading 3.
  2. Sounds like you have the stages in the reverse order. In your case, stage 1 is the first to fire. That would be the parachute, not the engine like you intended. Then comes stage 0, which would be your engine. Staging works from bottom to top. So the bottom stage (the highest numbered stage) is the one that is currently active/will be activated next.
  3. Dres looks somewhat like the Moon (even more than the Mun) which makes it more "realistic" than any other planet/moon in the Kerbol System!
  4. @Onigato I thought of "Fully Automated" and "Fully Autonomous" before, but it's flown completely manually, so I doesn't really make sense. I think I'll go with "Fairly Abnormal Landing Capable Orbiter Necessity".
  5. I started a backronym fest... a backfest? a tsef?
  6. New contract; new satellite; different launch vehicle! The satellite was to small and too light (1 ton) to justify the use of my 2.5m lifter. So I quickly built a 1.25m launch vehicle which is recovered using parachutes. I need as much fuel for ascending as possible so I ruled out a powered landing. (INTERMISSION: I'm trying to find a backronym for "Falcon" to justify calling it that. I ended up with "... Landing Capable Orbiter Necessity", and I can't think of anything for F and A. Any ideas?) Upon contract completion, which involved putting the satellite into a stationary Minmus orbit, I took this picture: In other news I decided to change plans with my retrograde Kerbol satellite. I was getting worried that connection wouldn't suffice and as 0.13 unit electricity generation left me worried about power consumption as well, I decided to immediately reverse my trajectory. Might not have been the best idea but I wanted to be absolutely sure I will make it. I initially wanted to run the ion engine at just under the power supply/demand equilibrium, but I then decided to... abandon the idea... (Just look at "Burn Time to 0m/s") I didn't really want to wait 15 real life hours just to burn to a standstill. What I did instead was run the engine at full thrust until power ran out, then charge again, run at full thrust, charge and so on.
  7. Hello! I'm currently doing a 1.3.1 career that runs really well. Now 1.4 is out and judging from what I've read so far there seem to be lots of issues between 1.3.1 and 1.4. I'd personally like to use some features of the new version like the lighter 2.5m pod while also being able to continue my savegame. Can I update to 1.4 without having to worry about these issues too much or should I stay on 1.3.1? I'm not using any mods so I wouldn't have to wait.
  8. How much fuel do you have left after successfully landing your first stage? How about 0? I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to be this close. The first thing I did after making sure the rocket doesn't tumble was jump out of my chair while cheering because I was getting frustrated with a previous landing (that one didn't work out; KSP needs wider landing legs). That was my most amazing landing yet and I don't think you can get any closer to failure.
  9. One of the things I did today was launch a tourist contract to land on Minmus. Pitching downrange about 14 seconds after liftoff: In LKO the lander was deployed. This launch vehicle is an SSTO with about 500 units of fuel left. Anyway: I sent the vessel to its encounter with Minmus, planned a correction and waited until KSC is in sunlight. Then I deorbited the lifter to land close to KSC. I slightly underestimated the mass of the vehicle, so I had to manually "help". Followed by an actual hoverslam with 0.00 seconds worth of fuel left in the tanks after landing! And about a few weeks later the three Kerbals landed on the surface of Minmus. Then I also sent my second satellite towards Jool. A minor course correction is planned to get a free capture using Tylo (and to bring inclination closer to 0° than the correction did), followed by a "standard" Hohmann transfer to the desired orbit.
  10. I can reassure you that you aren't going mad. You were indeed able to nest the engine. But as a workaround, moving the part down should suffice.
  11. That will be tricky. So basically, I need to calculate a launch window from Kerbin to Eve and then a "window" from Eve to Dres, right? I have no idea how to do calculate such a "double launch window"...
  12. Maybe I can do that. Dres would be a planet I haven't reached yet. The second stage has about 1800m/s of dV. and the lander itself has an additional >2500m/s in its tanks if I remember correctly.
  13. Launched a lander to Moho. In LKO I realized I had too little dV to get there due to not considering inclination and eccentricity (current ). I'm only off by about 200m/s! The vehicle cost 85,000 funds...
  14. I haven't touched 1.4.0 yet. From what I've heard here it seems like there are lots of problems between 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 and my 1.3 save is currently the best I've ever done
  15. I don't know. What I do is use half your orbital period and the velocity of your target (planet). With that I calculate the distace the target (planet) has travelled, then I compute the corresponding angle with regards to its orbital radius and subtract that from 180 it's basically what this Launch Window Calculator gives you as an answer. 180-180*sqrt(SMA^3)/r^1.5 SMA is your semi major axis, r is the radius of your target's orbit.
  16. Not strictly today, but yesterday I finally decided to try finding an equation for a launch window calculator to interplanetary targets. I did that successfully! I'm still surprised that the equation contains no mention of the gravitational constant or the parent's mass. Just your SMA and your target's orbital radius.
  17. Are there lots of problems/incompatibilities between 1.3.1 and 1.4? In other words: Is it safe for me to use a 1.3.1 save in 1.4.0 (and later 1.4.1) without having to worry about disruptions in the gameplay?
  18. Except that for me, drop-down windows like the one needed to log out didn't work either. I was stuck as "online" for two days. Anyway, seems to be fixed now. Either that or I just got lucky here.
  19. @swjr-swis That is sufficient, I'd say. I'm also in a situation in which I can't say anything other than that, otherwise that would be moving the goalpost, and I don't want that.
  20. I'd love to see a mod for Ebay, then. Or a video or livestream of a person using their services, no, solely DEDICATED to showing that.
  21. @swjr-swis None of these are video game companies or publishers like T2. Can you please mention something remotely close to what we have here?
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