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  1. Well, i don't wan't to choice between 1.2.2 mods and good aerodynamics (really, I maybe not good in rocket science but I am marginally better in aerodynamic and when proper designs just didn't work while truly ridiculous ones somehow valid i feel sad).
  2. <REDACTED> found this in like two minutes. I just followed White Rabbit, hah. But since i first time trying this mod (i bought game pretty recently) there is two questions, please help this junior. It is fine if i going to keep CKAN version of mod manager instead of one which coming with dev build of FAR? Or it's absolutely should be other way around? Second question, how this mod is changing behaviour of ships? The ones that moving on the water instead of airships and spaceships?
  3. It's seems so. Manual deleting of said mod before installing it again working.
  4. Recent update (0.1.12) failing to load (update) through CKAN (1.22.1-0) for some reason.
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