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    Heavy Metal Chicken

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  1. Upload it to something like Dropbox or Google drive and then post the link here
  2. The cheat wouldn't only be to solve these types of situation but it's a lot easier to do it with the cheat
  3. Once in a while, you can forget to add an antenna to probe or lander and most people don't want to revert the whole mission that could've been hours long just because of one thing they forgot. If you forget chutes you can save it in orbit around Kerbin or something but when you forget antenna you just have to revert or disable comms for a while
  4. when I crash something and get something that looks like it could be fun to drive, for example, today when I broke off a body of a plane because of reentry heat but a single engine and wings on it remained and I wondered if it could still fly. Or you could possibly make ridiculously short crafts without needing to attach a probecore
  5. Been wondering a while why "What did you do in KSP today ?" thread isn't stickied but wasn't going to start a new thread for it but now I've noticed 2 pinned threads about reverting game version to 1.2.2 on steam in the modded tech support forum. I understand why one of the threads would be there as there are frequent questions about reverting to older versions of the game but I see no reason to keep both of them
  6. Would add the ability to control crafts that are not manned, don't have probe core or signal.
  7. Can't seem to find it in there, not under known issues and couldn't find it anywhere else with a quick read through
  8. Alternatively, you could hunt out a contract that would give you nerv
  9. Closet keeps forgetting to hide parts from mods until I click Mod Filter and "refresh" it output_log
  10. If you believe a thread should be moved report it or post it here, the thread says your own but I'm sure would move this as it's in the wrong forum
  11. Dres, can't escape if it doesn't exist
  12. That's how it's supposed to look. Maybe if you dug a bit into some cfg files you could find something to lower the effect, or if there are any mods to do that.
  13. For anyone who can't watch the video. Go to Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SquadExpansion\MakingHistory\Parts\Payload, when there open fairingSize4.cfg using any text editor and in the file find this piece of code MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss scale = 4,4,4 position = 0.0,0.22,0.0 } and add rescaleFactor = 1 after the } . Like this: MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Aero/fairings/AutoTruss scale = 4,4,4 position = 0.0,0.22,0.0 } rescaleFactor = 1 After that restart the game or reload the database from Alt-F12 menu
  14. Added in Technology level and Cost. Tried adding comparable performance only from numbers but I still have no idea how to calculate drag. Wondering if adding up wings to a certain wing area value (let's say 10) and noting the takeoff speed would be useful. For example, using 10 Wing connectors type C and 2 Big-S delta wings and noting takeoff speed of ~65m/s and ~70m/s. The problem is that there are too many variables at play and some wings can't be properly stacked to any useful value (FAT Main wing for example), wondered if tweakscaleupscales/downscales aerodynamics properly
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