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Everything posted by seiryu

  1. Finaly, (´・ω・`) fully working coaxial rotors! Now it's stable and functional! max speed:270km/s rotor speed:47 rad/s craft mass:7tons ※sorry for wierd BGM. It's sounded by only kerbal voice and SEs.
  2. どうでも良いけどうまくいったので投稿。
  3. Hi I'm testing out my new rotors. First most sucsessful rotors. Second is prototype coaxial rotors. As you see, it can't fly stable. So could anyone give me a suggestion?
  4. 本日のバニラパーツタワー特集 Today's stock towery towernes. このうち月面に立っているものは MunHouse2017 用のものです。 One with on the mun is for Munhouse2017. 月面のミニスカイツリー Mini Tokyo SkyTree. On the mun. なんかのための小さいタワー Small tower for something. 東京スカイツリー でかすぎてサーバーで使えないわぁ Large Tokyo SkyTree. Too large to use it on the server. これで以上! That's all for today!
  5. みんな楽しそうだから自分も作っちまったじゃないか!
  6. Hey! anyone wants some pasta? pasta is boild by "iwatani"gus cooker. it has two antenas,SAS,probe,solerpanels and engines. it can used as com-sat!
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