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Everything posted by Dark_Dragon26

  1. Well, 1) I would suggest you align the guide-'fingers' with the grooves on the other docking port and 2) are you sure that these are the APAS from CxA?? I don't remember having seen those in the CxA pack yet...
  2. Yeah, I suppose..... But either way, I'm really looking forward to the comming truss segments. Current parts are great and the upcomming ones really are gonna make those ISS recreations look great. CxA is as of yet (at least IMO), THE mod with the best looking parts for ISS construction in KSP. Great detailing, really nice IVA's and they fit nicely with the look of other KSP parts. Only downside so far, I would say, is that Tantares for the ROS doesn't seem..... right. It got nice parts, sure, but the overall look just seems a bit off. Plus, most of them don't seem to have IVA's and part count gets really high. Would be cool if ROS parts might be considered as a future possibility once current plans are realised and implemented? But that's just my opinion.
  3. That it would have to start deployed I kinda expected, but the idea behind it was, that if it was possible, that you could 'abuse' it for the purpose of making something that works like SARJ while giving you the ability to model the outer truss segments independently, which would then give you dual-axis-tracking like with the real one. I don't really know much about modding in general or the mechanics of KSP, but I think it should be possible to combine/mix/abuse game mechanics to recreate SARJ? But I stand open for correction.
  4. Don't you have planned the Destiny lab for past 2.0 on the roadmap? And while we're on it: are you planning to include working meteorite shutters on the Cupola? And I'm still wondering on the SARJ. Would it be possible to make a part that behaves like a solar panel (tracking along one axis) but has attachment points on both sides (one of which rotates along while tracking)?
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