First, let me introduce our main characters! Episode 1: EVEning dawn Geoffrey was sweating hard, he was the pilot, everyone\'s lives depended of his training. This certain expedition, however, was the most dangerous yet. A manned mission, to the beautiful Eve. 'People should see it from the inside...' Said Buzz, as he watched the raging winds outside the window. Lucky for them, the craft, Burvan 10, had computerized RCS, and the latest version of an ASAS module. '3000 Meters,' said Buzz. 'Buzz, you still sleepy? I don\'t know how the **** you slept for the 5 Munths it took to get here. You must\'ve taken some serious sleeping pills...' Said Desvan. 'And I don\'t know how YOU read 20 entire dictionaries, specifically oriented toward Kerbin\'s species of plants.' Said Geoffrey, 'I just watched the TV they had installed.' 'Rots your brain,' Muttered Buzz. 'Uhh, don\'t look now, but we\'re at 500 meters...' Said the advanced ASAS.' 'Huh, missed that,' said Buzz. - BONK - went the lander as they touched down on the surface. Dawning their EVA suits, the three brave Kerbals put on cleats designed for the high winds of Eve, and set out into the airlock.'Ready?' Said Desvan. 'Ready!' Said the other two. Then, they stepped out onto Eve, and watched the purple dawn. Episode 2: Jeb Junior 'Great,,,' Said Geoffrey, clearly looking annoyed, 'We have to train Jeb\'s SON and Jeb is coming aboard.' 'Oh god oh god' Said the ASAS system, 'I don\'t want to be blown up, I\'m built into this rocket!' Relax guys,' Said Desvan, 'Geoffrey\'s flying, he has an iron grip, PLUS we\'re building the rocket, not him.' Bzzt... Uh, actually, it\'s Tuesday... 'Crap..' Said Buzz, 'I guess they\'ll need to break out the old cloning facility.' Bob and Bill had retired, since the year 0.16, we had not seen them. However Jeb is still in active service... 'KA BAM!!' The door had exploded, and in stepped a toddler, about 3, carrying a keg of TNT. 'My name\'s Jeb Jr. My dad\'s putting some decals on our rocket, you ready?' Said the little fellow. 'No... No I am not.' 'BAM!!' went another door, and Jeb stepped in, with workers behind him, hauling a massive rocket to the pad. 'Cmon guys! It\'s time for launch!' Desvan cried, Buzz facepalmed, and Geoffrey gripped the controls. ********************************************** 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Tink tong Blerp rocket malfunction BOOOM ********************************************** 'I\'ll kill you guys' Said Geoffrey Desvan and Buzz in unison. Jeb ran away, with Jr. on his shoulders. Episode 3: Jeb\'s pet 'Guys! Look what I found!' Says Jeb, looking at the other five Kerbals 'Think I can keep it?' Bob screamed and passed, out Geoffrey grabbed a gun, Desvan shot out the window and ran, Buzz said 'ARE YOU ****ING CRAZY!?', And Bill facepalmed. 'THATS A CLEAVLE YOU IDIOT!' Screamed Bill. 'Oh, so that\'s why he ate my park guide. I was at Nexvulch national park. The Cleavle snarled. Geoffrey shot it. It ate Geoffrey. Soon the same fate happened to the other Kerbals. Geoffrey stood, looking none too pleased at the cloning vats. Now we have to kill it with that rare gas, damn. - Next episode - Putting a frenemy down.