I have decided to set up a much more advanced version of the Koogle X prize. I will be adding a technology tree of my own as well. Rules: 1. Each player starts off with 5000 2. Each player gets 1 turn per-day 3. In a turn you may do 3 things of your choice. 4. Must use zoxygen on manned flights 5. When A rocket is built, PM it to me, I will tell you the price. 6. Each achievment gets you a different number of points (You\'ll see later in this read) 7. Bases must contain 3 parts. 8. Person with the most achievments and money win. Technology tree: Compressed fuel: Allows you to use small fuel tanks Thrust vectoring: Allows you to use all thrust vectoring engines, ASAS: Allows you to use the ASAS Robotics: Allows you to use landing legs Black Market: Allows you to use mods (Other than zoxygen) Compressed fuel 2 (2 turns): May let you double the amount of fuel in a tank (CFG edit) MOAR BOOSTARZ: Allows SRBs Flight: Allows you to use plane parts Achievments: Orbit: 1000 Munar Orbit: 1700 Minmus Orbit: 1500 Minmus Landing: 2000 Munar landing: 2500 Minmus base: 3500 Munar Base: 3000 Achievment Rules: May do orbit immediately 2 turns until Munar orbit 3 turns until Minmus orbit 8 turns until Minmus Landing 10 turns until Munar landing 17 turns until Munar base 20 turns until Minmus base