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Everything posted by Twinky827

  1. I just got this thing, because of this topic. Any tips?
  2. I never even got my ship into orbit, xD. I just went straight up into spaceand did one. As for the EVA you can do one ANY time in a flight, even on takeoff. Hover over where the crew\'s faces are, and an option saying EVA should appear.
  3. How do I do EVAs? I just got back form MINECRAFTing it up for about 3 months, so I came back to this. HALP MEEE!
  4. I wanna land on the core and blow it up. I\'m very Kerbal too.
  5. He has a very small engine. I\'d have to see thrust an fuel consumption to tell if he could get off again.
  6. No one is happy to see me? :\'(
  7. Welp. I will be active again for a bit. Sorry about my absence, I was moving and..... Short version I was busy. so HAAI!
  8. Hello, sir, I don\'t believe we\'ve met.
  9. I\'m sorry, even with plugins, this is not possible.
  10. Ok, sorry, sir. I think it\'s very detailed.
  11. Mun. not Mun with the two dots over it pronounced Mun. Otherwise good story.
  12. Pics, or it never happened in my opinion.
  13. Nvm... I can\'t run it on my IP address. Halp? If not, it has to be hamachi. And whats so bd about hamachi anyway?!
  14. It doesn\'t I could make it normal internet.
  15. IP is: Join! WE WILL BUILD A JEB! And a town!
  16. I hope they DONT separate the parts. The word 'Space plane' Might as well be 'Plane'
  17. Maybe people just don\'t want to play. There have been too many Mun campaigns lately. So please stop spamming your thread and bumping it.
  18. Twinky827


    My Terrier tackled me..
  19. I\'ve done this. On and expiremental rocket. That blew up XD
  20. Don\'t worry, man! It\'s fine, for me. Other people may just not like it.
  21. Sir. This name is very inappropriate. I suggest you rename it.
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