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George van Doorn

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Everything posted by George van Doorn

  1. Hey man, I haven't used MKS, KAS, KIS and all that jazz until yesterday when I installed GPP with all of those. But, does this count? It's got a capacity of almost 500 kerbals (check part 1 for a take off from Kerbin and details about it). It's basically a mobile city relocating wherever but Eve. Only uses stock parts.
  2. Hey homie, great idea!!! How long are you gonna keep it open? I have an idea on what to do but it's probably gonna take me maybe a week to actually do it, record it and edit it.
  3. That's not the KSP (improvising when you **** it up) way.
  4. What do you mean horizontal launches are a bad idea? Sometimes they're the only idea ;).
  5. In honor of Galileo Planets Pack, a great friggin mod that I just now discovered, I made a space station. This is a space station with name, with personality. Now Gael has a logo up there in orbit. No longer can the aliens claim this blue planet! Clarification: SS = Space Station. Completely original, I know! What? SS stands for something else? You mean I copied it? I don't know what you're talking about.
  6. There's that checklist in the VAB that can give you errors and warnings, but that list is by no means comprehensive and some "errors" you probably consider them features. Probably you're looking for something like this: P.S.: What imma say further is not what you asked for, but I like to go the extra mile ;). Extra realism can be added also by: There's also Realism Overhaul, Realistic Progression (RP-0) and many more. Some are compatible with the latest KSP version, some aren't. Oh, and there's this: That makes your kerbals sort of talk to the control center.
  7. Hey man! Anything that: - has some kerbal capacity - has an antenna - can generate electricity basically qualifies as a base Optional: - has mining equipment - can refuel itself on the ground - can take off and go into orbit You don't have to be good at precision landing, you can always dock your base parts in orbit and then land. They don't even have to be constructed with such a thing in mind if you have a carrier on top. With a skycrane of sorts, you could always play with the thrust limiters of one engine and see if it stabilizes that improper CoM. You can use parts like this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=807318420 and dock them in orbit or add wheels below and move 'em around. The idea is indeed that the docking ports need to be at the same height especially if you choose docking on the ground. Tips for precision landing: it's like a rendez-vous (meaning, you set the target and align the retro with the anti-target vectors) but you have to keep in mind that the Mun has some gravity that impacts you, so you have to burn slightly more towards the radial out (straight up) direction than an orbital rendez-vous. Ultimately you can probably cut the horizontal velocity around 100m and do a gentle landing if you want. Another thing to solve that stability problem: you can start with a main base core and then only extend it symmetrically. Say you wanna add 16 more kerbal capacity. You can then build 2 side cores of 8 kerbal capacity (or 4 of 4, as you wish) and attach them separately to the main core. Usually it also looks cooler if it's symmetrical.
  8. Totally staged, just look at all those shadows! And the lighting, ugh!
  9. During a Mun surface rescue mission, I had plenty of fuel to do everything until 500m up with a stage and then dropped it. Too bad I was so precise with my maneuvers that the dropped stage fell on the (what I was hoping to be) soon to be rescued kerbal and killed him! Sometimes, precision is not good for public health and safety ;).
  10. You could You could, but how would da Kerbal Hoard loot them planets, you humie? Go big, or go home :P.
  11. Even 0.01, Ion-like can make sense if you plan your escape correctly. It's really paramount to see the big picture here. What's the objective? A certain solar orbit that will get you places, right? What's the duration of the solar orbit? A year more or less, depending if you go low or high. What's your burn time in comparison to that? 1 hour? That can all be accomplished in Kerbin's SOI even in one burn. The most agro exits are done in a day or so. OK, fine, you don't make use of the Oberth effect as much, so what? You must have 10 000 - 15000 m/s + on that baby. Offtopic: BTW, your nickname is wisely crafted, you gotta think a bit to realize what you mean ;).
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kotf8x3hat3cll4/The Grand Tour.craft?dl=0 Well, you can always add your payload in a fairing on the main core (hopefully you remove something else or it would become too tower-y).
  13. So you want a long range miner huh? How 'bout this one? You wanna add a payload too, you say? Just remove the satellite on top and add whatever you want. I'm pretty sure the TWR and dV wouldn't budge much . You can see it in the other video parts behaving decently well in all the worlds. I can give you the craft file if you want.
  14. Not at all, 2.9k is low as far as ceilings go. Just remember the old KSP saying: more deltaV needed ->more fuel. More TWR needed -> more engines. As far as where to put 'em, only by showing us the stuff can we comment on that.
  15. Moho is the only truly 3D encounter out there. Dres and Eeloo are far off and their inclination difference can be easily adjusted. I'd like to give you the theory behind the actual maneuver so that you understand it for basically all maneuvers. Let's take the planets out of the equation, let's say you are just orbiting the Sun at Kerbin's altitude and there's a ship where Moho is. What do you have to do to reach it? Well, you'd have to: a) correct your inclination of 7 degrees b) decrease your peri so that it intersects that of the target and do that so that you reach the target's orbit when the target is there as well, so as to have a rendez-vous Because orbits are very costly to change in Sun's orbit, it's very efficient to bundle these 2 maneuvers into one. And because you can only change the inclination at the AN/DN, it takes more than a year (even though Moho orbits the Sun every 100ish days) to get a good encounter. Anything but this, meaning either correcting the inclination or reducing your orbit during your downward trip to Moho, will be less efficient. Now let's bring in the planets back into the equation. Kerbin is for you just a slingshot so that your transfer costs less. If you follow the numbers given by the Transfer Window Planner, you should get similar (but not exactly the same) results. Why similar? Minute deviations on your orbit, the fact that your transfer burn doesn't happen all at once, things like that. Let's say you do not get an encounter and do not even get the closest distance markers, pretty common for Moho. Do not despair! That means you need to perform a correction burn, big or small depending on your deviation. When is it the right time to do this? ASAP! Meaning, place a maneuver node 5-10-30 minutes ahead of your trajectory and fiddle with the numbers. Have a tool like Precise Node or Precise Maneuver to be able to add ever smaller increments. Why is the right time to do the correction immediately? We have to look at the big picture. Irrespective where you are regarding Kerbin, you are still orbiting the Sun. Now your orbit is eccentric and your starting point is basically your apoapsis AND your AN/DN (where you presumably started this transfer) is nearby as well. Additionally, you can still benefit from some slingshot effects because you are in Kerbin's sphere of influence. Could you have done this correction more efficiently if you were at Kerbin's periapsis? Yes, but what's done is done now; the difference should still be marginal because it's a correction. It's still the best alternative you got. It's really important to understand this theoretically because then, whatever happens, you will be able to adjust your burn to compensate. Now that you know this, you can start your transfer from Minmus fully refueled, maybe adding some 3k dV to your total. You can go refuel at Gilly and start from there, like here: I'm saying, everything is possible. Just know what your objective is, know the theory and then do what humans do best: adapt! You can use these tools for transfer window planning: https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ http://ksp.olex.biz/ Transfer Window Planner mod even the Kerbal Alarm Clock gives you decent transfer Windows P.S. : You may look at my profile and say: "ah, a beginner giving me advices", but I have about 2000 hours in this game. I've only been posting on steam so far. And information is not more correct if it comes from a reputable source, it's either correct or not.
  16. At that point it doesn't matter how far you are from Kerbin's PE, you are on your ejection trajectory and we're only talking about corrections. 100m/s2 at the very worst in any direction. OK, 10,15mins, an hour, you're still in the SOI, better now than in solar orbit. Shortly put ,just by burning fuel, no, but: Who knows what funky gravity assists and even aerobrakes you could get from Duna and Eve. Anything is possible with sufficient planning and time spent in the emptiness of space. But you gotta make sure that thing can aerobrake from a standard arrival from Duna/Eve 3200-3300m/s style; should be fine imo.
  17. Are you sure about this number? I think my biggest complete rocket was about 15 000 t and you probably need the Hangar Extender beyond that. Not to mention how slow it will run in the atmosphere.. Regardless, have you see that the rockets are sometimes placed in the air and falling if not attached to clamps? I'm not saying put clamps on such a monster. For me, aligning the base of the rocket with the floor of the VAB worked to alleviate this. Later edit: A'ight, so I checked some of my biggest, it's 20 000t and there's no way to extend it sideways, just to add things on top of some side stages. Your number must be off if you don't use the Hangar Extender mod. Nevertheless, my proposed solution still stands.
  18. Well, let's start with the basics. How do you figure out where a car is gonna be 10 seconds from now? You see where it's headed and you estimate its speed if you don't know it. For the Mun and all the other planets, we know they stay on their nicely drawn circles called orbits. Each body has a different speed. You can find the orbital speeds and the orbits here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mun But who wants to calculate all that stuff? You want a fast answer, right? And here it is: Imagine a line between Kerbin and the Mun. The Mun will be travelling counterclockwise so we are pretty sure that in the near future it will be a bit more counterclockwise. Imagine another line on this counterclockwise direction that does about 60 degrees with the first one (Kerbin-Mun). Don't worry about the exact number, the Mun's sphere of influence is pretty big and I might also estimate it wrong (I do it based on eyeballing and knowing the deltaV). Anyway, you want to have a trajectory from your low Kerbin orbit that reaches that 60 degrees point on the Mun's orbit. So when you plan a maneuver, the highest point of your orbit should be around his imaginary point making a 60ish degree angle with the Mun's actual position. For planets like Duna, Dres and all the rest, you can use plenty of tools that basically tell you: OK, the planets align on day X, you have to go in that direction with that precise speed and you'll encounter it. Here are some of 'em: https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ http://ksp.olex.biz/ Transfer Window Planner mod Kerbal Alarm Clock can also tell you when the transfer windows occur. Oh and just for the Mun there's a very easy one if you have a mod called Precise Node or Precise Manuever or so. From your low Kerbin orbit (70-100 km), add a new manuever node, just type 860 in the prograde marker and then move the node on the orbit until you get an encounter :). You can also just drag the prograde marker until you see 860m/s2 (ish) and then change its position.
  19. Thank you for all man, it's good to be here :P.
  20. Try and get your ejection right the first time. Say you finished your last burn, place a maneuver node 5 minutes in the future and play with the directions until you get something close to an encounter, hopefully you got something like Precise Node, Precise Maneuver... so you can add even small amounts and see the difference in the closest distance that you get. But regardless of that, your budget is quite tight considering you wanna land and return to Kerbin (I suppose) without refueling. The nuke stage covers the transfer, then say you can do landing and back with about 400m/s2 each. Then the best return I can find is 1318. So in total if done perfectly below 2200. Considering your losses already, very tight. Anyway, let's look at this theoretically. You wish to increase your orbit around the Sun so you reach Dres. The best time to do this is at your Sun peri, which is where you're at, around Kerbin, right now. So if you move away from your periapsis, it will cost you more. There are also some inclination changes to be discussed here and those are best done in a higher orbit. So the objective of your burn around Kerbin is to reach a high apoapsis while changing your inclination enough (and just enough) to intersect with Dres (and, when reaching Dres, matching its inclination right there). That's why it would be inefficient to do a burn mid-course combined with an inclination change whose coordinates are reliant on your ejection deviation. Anyway, not good. With your tight budget already, not recommended. But hey, if you can refuel before leaving Dres, have at it! Now that you hopefully know a bit more theory, experiment, live large.
  21. Inspired partly by the new Passengers movie and by the desire to create a reusable, huge rocket that can go anywhere (except landing and taking off from Eve, duh), I created this series: Feedback appreciated.
  22. Hey man! I'm also new to these forums but with about 2000 hours in the game (been posting only on steam so far). You've done AFF and prob. more (if that's you in your picture), so I'm sure a game is not gonna stop you! We all have our own learning curve, so take your time with that rdzv and docking, they're important stuff. There are plenty of good videos, but the basic thing about this rendez-vous thing is: a) be in the same place at the same time as the target b) have the same velocity vector as the target at that time so you don't blitz past it Here's what you can do in low Kerbin orbit with very little cash. This is, let's say, accelerated rendezvous :P.
  23. Wha'cha doin' ya gidz? Becoz da Hoard needed moar boyz in space, KSC has been commissioned to dilivah a (almost) 500 passenger rockit everywhere in da system (except for Eve, everybody knows da Orks hate the color purple). And this is what the enginiirs came up with: Wha'cha think boyz, will da orks loot the worlds with this spaceship?
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