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Everything posted by MrBonk

  1. Ok....I've managed to get it working correctly, as per the vJoy suggestion further up this thread. I downloaded the most recent version of vJoy and then used Universal Control Remapper in place of UJR, as it's now deprecated. It seems to have solved all of the previous issues I was having with input lag, and as an added bonus, it works no matter what version of KSP I'm running Using AFBW was a real issue every time there was a patch for KSP, because it would break and then I couldn't use my controllers. So, thanks to iliketanks1998 for the original suggestion
  2. Same here. In fact, every time I use it, and the ships just 'dock', instead of bouncing around all over the place doing the docking-ships-mating-dance, I go "Fk yeah!". Previously, docking was actually a really frustrating experience for me. I nailed the very first one, so I naively thought that's how the rest would be....lol, wrong. I've even just given up after bumping the other craft and sending it spinning off into the distance.
  3. In case you're also interested in doing some bug fixing, I've raised a new issue on the repo for this mod, re multiple craft responding to throttle commands after they're undocked from each other.
  4. Thanks....I've reverted to 1.2.2 while some of the other mods are still being worked on anyway, so all good Any idea why the previous pull requests are still outstanding? Original author not interested anymore?
  5. Judging by the outstanding pull requests for this on Github, it looks like the original author has dropped it Any chance of @taniwha or @Boris-Barboris picking it up for 1.3 like you guys did for 1.2.2? You'd make all the Saitek HOTAS users very happy if you did
  6. Unfortunately, I can't get vJoy to even install. I know there are a lot of other ppl having the same installation failure on Win10x64, so I guess I'll have to wait for the guy to sort that issue out first. Shame....AFBW has some issues that are rather annoying, so an alternative would have been nice.
  7. Well, unfortunately it seems it's the Advanced FlyByWire mod that's causing this. Unfortunately, because it's the only way I've managed to get my Saitek X56 HOTAS to work correctly, without one or other of the controllers lagging so bad as to be unusable. Poo Thanks for the input anyway....I guess I'll just have to get used to it, until such time as KSP and Unity's joystick input code is able to handle my controller properly.
  8. For the mining/fuel production craft I've done so far, I've used 2 x medium extendable radiators per converter, just attached to whatever would allow me to extend them without hitting something else. My largest miner has 2 x large drills and 1 Convert-o-tron 250 and is using 4 x radiators (and 4 x gigantor solar panels).
  9. Yep, I'd have to agree. I'll try to bite the bullet this evening and run a clean version with just the KB/mouse. If I'm still seeing the issue, I'll post my save. If it's gone when I run the clean install, I'll start putting the mods back one by one until I identify which one it is, then post the results.
  10. Ok, so it's not trims and/or SAS at fault. I loaded up my most recent save, went to my Mun station, reset trims with ALT + x, turned off SAS and un-docked a ship. As soon as I hit the throttle, I get engines on the station also firing. I guess the next step is to remove all the mods, unplug the HOTAS and try a pure vanilla, kb/mouse game.....but....now that I've started playing.....maybe just a little while first, then I'll turn it off and test....maybe.... Damn this gaming addiction LOL! I just installed KER (oh my wordy lordy yes....why didn't I put this on sooner?!), so I need to tinker just a little bit first. For anyone who wants to tinker with a savegame, let me know how you'd like that sent/uploaded and I'll flick the file to you. Ninja Edit: Holy crap....I just noticed it also happens if I use the 'switch to' option in map mode! The only way I can successfully select and fly a ship that I've just un-docked from this station is if I select it thru the tracking station.
  11. I'm running 1.2.2 with a couple of mods: Advanced FlyByWire (to get my Saitek HOTAS to work correctly) BetterBurnTimes RCS Build Aid CorrectCOL IIRC I actually experienced this issue before I installed any mods (I've only had mods installed since recently getting my HOTAS and finding it doesn't work correctly with stock). It's been happening for as long as I can recall, but I've only just bothered to ask about it, because now that I've got a number of ships in close proximity, it's becoming problematic. I don't use trims at all. I don't even have controls mapped for it on the HOTAS, and I have no idea what the trim keys actually are by default. I wonder if I've inadvertently put trims in for either the Mun station, or some of the docked craft? If there's a 'reset trims' key, I'll try that when I get home this evening and see if it fixes it. If that doesn't work, I'll try removing all the mods and the HOTAS and just using the keyboard/mouse. If it turns out it's the HOTAS or the mod I'm using to get it to work properly, well.....I guess I'll just have to get used to it It's pretty funny sometimes though....hitting full throttle on my tiny lander and seeing my Mun station break up and explode right beside me for no apparent reason . Or trying to dock 2 identical craft, only to watch them getting into a never-ending 'Simon Says' dance.
  12. Hey folks, I'm having some quite random results when switching between ships with the '[' and ']' keys. A typical scenario: 1. Docked with my Mun station. 2. Undock a ship. 3. Switch to said ship with '[' key. 4. Attempt to fire engine to thrust away. 5. Observe Mun station engines also firing, as well as responding to control inputs. Is this supposed to be 'by design'? Surely not?? If I instead go to the tracking station, choose the newly un-docked ship, *then* thrust away, it's all good, and my Mun station doesn't go spinning off in some random direction. If it *is* by design, how do I prevent the Mun station from responding to inputs that are supposed to go *only* to my un-docked ship? If it's *not* by design, what's the best way around it? Just go to the Tracking Station and switch that way? It's just so tedious compared to switching ships with the '[' key. As an interim workaround, I've been de-activating the engines on the Mun station and other docked ships until I need them, but this is also tedious and frequently catches me out when I forget.
  13. I tried this for the one re-entry I managed to do tonight and I still came up way short. Although I suspect that had more to do with my wild aerobatics (trying to spread the heat around) than anything else This is a MK1 plane, so it heats up pretty fast. I over-did the yaw input and ended up way out of shape, so it took me a bit to get it back under control. By the time I did, my orbit was going to end before the mountains, so I obviously scrubbed off a *ton* of speed flying sideways I can see how much more accurate it will be though. Up until that point, it was right on the money.
  14. Hmmm. I've been setting my PE *way* higher than 0, coz I just expected that my plane would burn up if I went any lower. I'll give it a crack and see what happens I guess
  15. I suspect this has been asked many times, so pls forgive me if that's the case. I'm on mobile right now and, for some reason, can't get searching to work properly. How do you guys work out where to set your PE so you can accurately land at the KSC? I can get close most of the time, but I invariably end up too short/long and have to fire up my engines to cover the remaining distance or the overshoot. I'd really like to be able to make a 'proper' glide landing with my ssto, but so far I haven't been able to get this accurate enough. Closest I've managed is the mountains behind the runway, where I had to fire my engines back up for the little extra speed required to make the strip. All the others have been way further than that though.
  16. Yes! I've managed to get a hot-rod MK1 ssto design sorted to the point where I can get to the Mun with fuel to spare. Oddly enough, having a shielded docking port right on the front seems to work quite well, even though it looks ugly as sin. 2 rapiers and a single nuke, and only liquid fuel. I'll upload and post some pix when I get home from work tonight ☺️ The cockpit gets a bit warm on ascent, but nothing to really worry about....unless you're sitting in it, I suppose
  17. hmmm....ok, so that maybe narrows it down a little further. Just so happens I'm using Win10, and have that update applied. Although the issue *has* been mentioned quite some time ago, and before that update was released. Still, perhaps it's some vagary of xinput (or Unity's usage of it) that's actually causing all of this. I'm really tempted to pick up the AFBW source and see what's required to make it fully compatible with 1.2.2, but honestly, by the time I get home from work, the last thing I feel like doing is more coding . I think I still have a Ubuntu VM kicking around somewhere here, so that's maybe another option to try, just for the purposes of elimination. If I can find the backups and get it working, I'll post the results.
  18. Yeah I read quite a bit about people reportedly having various issues when using non-powered hubs, but at the time I wasn't using a hub at all. Both the stick and the throttle were connected directly to the PC via USB3 ports. I tried various combinations of the other ports available on the machine, but nothing changed apart from the order in which the controllers were recognised. Obviously it was this process that lead to me discovering that it was always the second detected controller that's laggy. Even my Logitech F710 wireless gamepad lags if it's the second one in the list....only the USB dongle is attached for that, which would be consuming next to no power at all. FWIW I'm now using a powered hub and have both the stick and throttle connected through that. Exactly the same issue with the stock KSP install, but again works fine through AFBW. If there's anything specific you'd like me to try, I'm more than happy to be a guinea pig I know how much of a PITA it is to solve these really unusual issues (I'm a developer myself), so if you think of anything that might help, flick it my way and I'll test whatever I can. I tried every combination of available ports on my machine that I could think of. The only devices connected to the PC are my KB, mouse, and the Saitek stick and throttle units. I moved all of those devices around between various ports, but still ended up with the same end result, with 1 of the 2 controllers lagging badly. This is bound to be one of those 'perfect storm' issues, where it ends up being a combination of factors that nobody ever even thought of testing during QA
  19. Looks like I'm well on the way to a modded KSP install then.....'once you start' and all that
  20. Yep, so the issue you've linked there is precisely the issue I'm experiencing with my setup. However, it actually extends to *any* additional controllers that are used, not just the Saitek devices. So it's certainly related to the order in which the controllers are being recognised by the system (OS, game, drivers, whatever). I've just run that now and it reports no issues, but I'm happy to upload the report txt file if it will help?
  21. LOL ok, so that's also not something I'd have expected. I mean, I realise the blunt engine exhausts will cause turbulence, but simply adding a cone and then moving it *away* from where the drag is actually being caused seems so daft Looks like I have even more performance gains to make tonight. And yes...I certainly got to orbit after ditching the NERV and rebalancing, but it was clearly way less efficient. Fun to try anyway
  22. My god, I wish I'd known about this mod sooner! I've been manually emptying my tanks to check dry cg I'm normally not a fan of modding games, but it looks like there are some that are just must-haves for KSP.
  23. Well, what a difference it makes when you're armed with some useful information I got home this evening and jumped straight into the SPH to make my test MK1 design. I slapped THIS thing together in a big hurry, just so I could launch it and see what would happen. LOL! Into orbit on my first try, with *loads* of fuel (comparatively speaking) to spare. I didn't even bother trying to tidy up the gaps between any of the parts. Just lumped it together and blasted off . I *did* think I was gonna melt it on the way up though . So, after some tidy ups in the SPH and the addition of a small batt pack, so I don't run out of electrickery during re-entry, I had another crack at it to see if I could outdo my first launch. Pro Tip: Don't hit the runway lights at 120+m/s. Anyway, after some hasty repairs, I had another go and managed an even better orbit than before. Obligatory close-up glamour shot I also *finally* managed to get reasonably close to the KSC after re-entry, which enabled me to actually finish the flight where all courteous pilots should I'm now curious to find out if I could do away with the 3 tons of NERV completely, and just rely on the RAPIERs for the boost into orbit. So, that's what I'm gonna try right now!
  24. If that's the case, why does KSP work fine with the Advanced FlyByWire mod installed and the same hardware/drivers? That doesn't make any sense if it's the fault of the Saitek driver.
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