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Everything posted by longbyte1

  1. But only if you buy the new higher end cards (GTX 600+). Otherwise, NVIDIA is likely to not give you any extra "stuff" like GeForce Experience or game optimizations. My card is 6 years old and it still runs games just fine, but CUDA kernels don't support my card (important when using Blender).
  2. It's cardboard, so it's pretty light and easygoing in terms of TWR. The drag wasn't negligible, but your motor was powerful enough to overcome it.
  3. The [thread=24926]Kerbal LiveFeed[/thread] thread should be closed since development is dormant and DMP has superseded it.
  4. What are you going to do with the money? Obviously you can't just give it away for charity, it's Kickstarter!
  5. In the server config file there's something called "broadcast address". What is it set to? Make sure to set it to so that it will broadcast on all network interfaces. I've never used Tunngle but since you specified a port different from that of DMP, your friend needs to connect to port 11155 instead of 6702 if using Tunngle.
  6. Bad kerning, probably a buggy implementation of DirectWrite.
  7. It's not the cellphone manufacturers' faults, it's just Apple's. If Apple doesn't include a tuner in their iPhones, nobody gets the feature. Almost everyone has iPhones where I live. What a shame that the iPhone is not a very robust nor power-user-friendly phone.
  8. Could you show us results with OpenGL? That's a quite interesting (and explainable) tradeoff.
  9. Indeed. My cheap aftermarket Huawei U8800-51 actually had an FM tuner but apparently the S4 did not. Neither did the Moto X. So now it is not as standard anymore.
  10. The whole crowdfunding/early access model is now being taken advantage of so that people get the wrong idea when they see an upcoming game. Fake example: ADEPT INTERVENTION 5 REALLY COOL FLIGHT COMBAT GAME COMING IN 2016 GUNS1 CLUSTER MISSILES MINIGUNS STRAPPED TO JETS2 EXPLOSIONS MORE EXPLOSIONS COOL EXPLOSIONS LOOK AT THAT SMOOTH CAMERA PLANES FROM REAL LIFE3 MAKE YOUR OWN MISSIONS4 60FPS. GUARANTEED.5 What we find out post-release: 1Most of the guns are in paid DLCs. 2Only found in the last levels. 3Not really, they have the name but the specs are completely buffed. 4Level editor only found in SDK. And it's not user-friendly. 5Only on certified NVIDIA hardware. When we hear of a new flight combat "simulator," what do we naturally expect? Free flight, versus mode, and split screen. But this developer mentioned nothing of it. In fact, he had the totally opposite idea, he just wanted to make a little arcade game with visuals similar to that of Mirror's Edge. Other companies know that they're going to have their minimum funding exceeded so they put it at something small like $50,000 and then add "stretch goals" along the way, which were intended to be done anyway. Then the rest of the money gets trashed on executives setting up new offices, giving the devs plenty of vacations, flying around the world doing tech demos for the game, etc. That's something concerning about crowdfunded games, because crowdfunding services don't tell you where the money is going. What if a dev spends $20,000 on a new rig, Visual Studio, Adobe CS, etc., then spends $60,000 on beer expecting to hit the Ballmer peak once in a while? There's nothing stopping him.. he could just wire over the money from the fund over to his personal bank account because he needs to buy something "off-the-shelf" with his debit card.
  11. I'm sure you could flush your toilet with urine rather than tap water.
  12. Some of the new phones (S5) have an FM tuner. But for many other ones, it's being removed because it adds to cost, and carriers are pushing for 100% online radio.
  13. A long white loading screen is a known issue with Unity 4. To fix this, all you have to do is go to Network and Sharing Center > View network adapters > Hamachi Network Interface > Disable. Make sure Hamachi is off and closed for this. (Restart?) Then when you're done playing KSP, re-enable the Hamachi adapter and program.
  14. You seem to be entering the address incorrectly. Make sure that the port is not in the address.
  15. I have been looking around and I can probably narrow it down to a few things: Your drivers aren't up-to-date enough (why is the driver still dated 2012?) Norton is screwing everything up again (NisDrvWFP.sys Wed Jul 09 19:15:24 2014) Hardware/mobo/power supply problem (not enough watts being pumped) EDIT: welp, it seems that you have already solved the problem. So much for using WinDbg..
  16. Nice! I imagine that with so many warp settings, there might be a public "mission control" server in the future where you can competently play a game of Kold War with some 5 other random strangers. Or your friends!
  17. Lots of textures being loaded on demand (it shouldn't be doing that. ?!?!) leads to high memory usage, so the GC gets called more often to make sure that KSP doesn't run out of memory. Apparently the GC blocks the threads so everything stops for a split second. GC has to go through all that RAM to find stuff to remove, so it takes a while (overclock GPU RAM and onboard RAM?). Some scripts find that their stuff got GC'd so it has to be reinitialized on next frame. Or it ended up on the page file, your choice. Clearly Unity's garbage collector cannot get any more inefficient.
  18. It's stored away in one of the assets files in KSP_Data. Try using this tool to find and extract the sharedassets files. Or you could Ninja Ripper or DXRipper like Rareden did.
  19. What even is that white thing at the very left of the toolbar? Also you seem to have duplicate B9 parts, probably from a bunch of different versions.
  20. Your link seems to be truncated. Could you post it again?
  21. Do integrated graphics "cards" even contain dedicated RAM? I don't think so. Which could just mean that jkacer is running out of RAM but is getting another error for it. Anyway, I'll keep gathering information. Open regedit and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers and tell me all of the keys you see in there.
  22. Bug check 0x116 is a TDR timeout. Usually WDDM can recover/restart the device, but I suspect that your driver does not support WDDM. If you could post a minidump I might be able to analyze it with WinDbg. If not, at least could you tell me the parameters that came with the error?
  23. This sounds like the garbage collector. You could easily prove this if KSP had an in-game performance graph.
  24. Are you sure that this is an unmodded install? You seem to have the bug fix modules installed.
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