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Everything posted by longbyte1
[ANY] FloorIt redux - press Z for 100% throttle
longbyte1 replied to longbyte1's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
No, you can put it in its own folder in GameData and it'll still work. -
[ANY] FloorIt redux - press Z for 100% throttle
longbyte1 replied to longbyte1's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
FloorIt Enterprise Edition has been released! Thanks for the pointers, malkuth! -
This is the method signature for KSP.IO.PluginConfiguration.GetValue: [COLOR=#0000ff][B]public[/B][/COLOR] T GetValue<T>([COLOR=#ff0000]string[/COLOR] key, T _default); When I do something like this: configFile.[COLOR=#191970][B]GetValue[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"CUSTOM_1_VALUE"[/COLOR], [COLOR=#00008b].25[/COLOR]) CUSTOM_1_VALUE with a value of .25 (as a double) is written to the config file. (We're assuming that the key CUSTOM_1_VALUE has not been defined in the config file, so GetValue will write the default value in for us.) However, when I do this: configFile.[COLOR=#191970][B]GetValue[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"CUSTOM_1_VALUE"[/COLOR], [COLOR=#00008b].25[/COLOR]f) CUSTOM_1_VALUE is not written at all to the config file, not even as a float. Can somebody explain the reason behind this?
I'd just like to tell any new modders that C# isn't your only choice. Although it is indeed a powerful language that is familiar to Java veterans, you may have had a background with another family or group of languages. Some may look simpler or prettier for you. Basically any language that conforms to CLI specifications can be used to make KSP mods, as long as a toolchain exists that can be configured correctly to work with Unity's .NET/Mono environment. To show what each language looks like, I've posted a translated version of my very simple mod, [thread=81957]FloorIt[/thread]. I cannot guarantee that the examples will work. Here is a list of commonly used CLI languages that may be of interest to you: Boo - Very similar to Python in syntax, but it's more focused towards .NET and C#-like typing. If you're familiar with Python, I recommend you use this language. SharpDevelop supports this language. [COLOR=#008000][B]namespace[/B][/COLOR] FloorIt [COLOR=#008000][B]import[/B][/COLOR] System [COLOR=#008000][B]import[/B][/COLOR] UnityEngine [COLOR=#008000][B]import[/B][/COLOR] KSP [[COLOR=#191970]KSPAddon[/COLOR](KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, [COLOR=#000000][B]false[/B][/COLOR])] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]public[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]class[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970]FloorIt[/COLOR](MonoBehaviour): [COLOR=#0000ff][B]public[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]def[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970]Start[/COLOR](): [COLOR=#800080]print[/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]'FloorIt enabled.\nPress Z to turn the throttle up to 100%.'[/COLOR]) [COLOR=#0000ff][B]private[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]def[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970]Update[/COLOR](): [COLOR=#0000ff][B]if[/B][/COLOR] Input.[COLOR=#191970]GetKeyDown[/COLOR](KeyCode.Z): FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle = [COLOR=#00008b]1[/COLOR] Visual Basic - Supported by Microsoft, this language has a very strong/mature community. Very few special characters are used. This was actually the first programming language that I used. If you aren't really that into programming, I suggest you play around with VB before you delve into a more complex language like C#. [COLOR=#0000ff]Imports[/COLOR] UnityEngine [COLOR=#0000ff]Imports[/COLOR] KSP [COLOR=#0000ff]Namespace[/COLOR] FloorIt <KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, [COLOR=#0000ff]False[/COLOR])> _ [COLOR=#0000ff]Public[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Class[/COLOR] FloorIt [COLOR=#0000ff]Inherits[/COLOR] MonoBehaviour [COLOR=#0000ff]Public[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR] Start() print("FloorIt enabled." & vbLf & "Press Z to turn the throttle up to 100%.") [COLOR=#0000ff]End[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Private[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR] Update() [COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR] Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z) [COLOR=#0000ff]Then[/COLOR] FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle = 1 [COLOR=#0000ff]End[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]End[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]End[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Class[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]End[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Namespace[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Imports[/COLOR] System IronPython - Unlike Boo, IronPython is more faithful to Python in its weak typing. Unless you really really really want to keep Python's good old syntax and compatibility with your existing Python code, just use Boo. C++/CLI - This is the most powerful language and perhaps fastest of all CLI languages. This is not for the faint of heart. C++ veterans may find the syntax familiar, but additional reading is mandatory. I have never used C++/CLI, and I don't know if anyone's successfully made a Unity plugin with it. But if you manage to, you could get some performance boosts. C# - As said before, it's like Java and C++ combined. Native - You can create a native DLL file and interface it with C# using P/Invoke. This will only work with a single platform, but it will give you a significant performance boost if made correctly. I have never done this before, nor have I seen anyone do it apart from documentation and tutorials. Maybe the next FAR will do this, who knows? UnityScript - Similar syntax to JavaScript, but it is more object-oriented. Use MonoDevelop as an IDE if you want to compile to a DLL. C# is slightly faster than UnityScript, though. I'm surprised that these really are the only popular languages, I thought there were more. But anyway, that is the end of my PSA.
I salute TehGimp for his tactic in mod development. Unlike most modders, TehGimp didn't announce first and then develop; he developed first and then announced when there was a working version of KMP. That created a lot of hype but also pressure for TehGimp to make a better version until KMP was stable enough. Then he drifted off the project so that other people would continue it and eventually finish it. I wish I had enough self-motivation to have that kind of roadmap. I usually ask if anyone interested in X feature and say I'm making a mod for it. While I'm waiting for people to pay attention to the announcement, I work a bit on the mod and set up the repositories and everything in preparation that people will become interested. I am foolish for wasting time doing those kinds of things. I think I'll look at TehGimp's Git repository and see what I can learn from it.
KSP 64bits on Windows (this time, it's not a request)
longbyte1 replied to Lilleman's topic in KSP1 Discussion
KSP's binaries (Assembly-CSharp.dll, etc.) may have been compiled to the target "Any CPU" (if they happen to use Visual Studio) so actually, there may be some benefits related to 64-bit applications. Calculations - Instead of having to rely on multiple 32-bit registers for crunching large numbers (like orbital parameters), the program can just use one large register, and the CPU would be able to run instructions that are optimized for that big register by utilizing SSE as well as the XMM register(s) that are only compatible with 64-bit applications. You end up with less instructions per big-integer calculation. This could actually make it possible for KSP to solve the N-body problem (all I know is that that does many floating-point calculations, which a 64-bit environment could greatly help in). Better native code generation - If KSP actually is compiled to the target "Any CPU", then the Mono/.NET just-in-time compiler can optimize to use x86-64 registers and instructions, leading to better performance. Physics - ??? But if anyone's just wondering about performance, just try it for yourself, calculate FPS and whatnot. If it doesn't give better results, just switch back to 32-bit KSP. -
Shouldn't this be posted in the general discussion section? Unrelated: Your post doesn't really make a lot of sense.
[ANY] FloorIt redux - press Z for 100% throttle
longbyte1 replied to longbyte1's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
No, you can just make a folder called Plugins and it'll still work, just like the old KSP versions. I might make a FloorIt Enterprise Edition or whatever since people are looking for ways to change it from Z to another key. I might even have keys for incrementing it by 25% or setting it to 25%, like in MS Flight Simulator. Also, I feel sorry for the original author. His name is ancientgammoner and he made the original plugin, which disappeared along with SpacePort. Although he did get 973 upvotes on his reddit thread, I feel that I'm stealing the credit from him, so I'm going to add a remark on the OP. -
Requested by ObsessedWithKSP because the original author on Reddit was not reachable. You can choose from 2 versions: FloorIt Slim, the original, single-purpose remake, and FloorIt Enterprise Edition, which adds more functionality and custom keys. FloorIt Slim Does what it says on the label. This is just a recode of the exact same functionality, with the exact same name. Instructions: Press Z to take the throttle to 100%. That's all it does! Download from Dropbox (4 kilobytes) Source: [COLOR=#008000][B]using[/B][/COLOR] System; [COLOR=#008000][B]using[/B][/COLOR] UnityEngine; [COLOR=#008000][B]using[/B][/COLOR] KSP; [COLOR=#008000][B]namespace[/B][/COLOR] FloorIt { [[COLOR=#191970][B]KSPAddon[/B][/COLOR](KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, [COLOR=#008b8b][B]false[/B][/COLOR])] [COLOR=#0000ff][B]public[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]class[/COLOR] FloorIt : MonoBehaviour { [COLOR=#0000ff][B]public[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]Start[/B][/COLOR]() { [COLOR=#191970][B]print[/B][/COLOR]([COLOR=#0000ff]"FloorIt enabled.\nPress Z to turn the throttle up to 100%."[/COLOR]); } [COLOR=#ff0000]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=#191970][B]Update[/B][/COLOR]() { [COLOR=#0000ff][B]if[/B][/COLOR]( Input.[COLOR=#191970][B]GetKeyDown[/B][/COLOR](KeyCode.Z) ) FlightInputHandler.state.mainThrottle = [COLOR=#00008b]1[/COLOR]; } } } Compatibility: This mod should work in all versions of Kerbal Space Program as long as they don't do any massive, plugin-breaking changes to the game. If they do and I don't update the mod within a week, just get a friendly mod to send me an e-mail. (Don't PM me directly, that'll fill up my inbox very quickly.) FloorIt Enterprise Edition An extremely sophisticated version of FloorIt. You can bind keys, disable them, increment by X, set to X, and more. All information and source can be found on GitHub here. Please post issues and suggestions here. Download from GitHub (10.5 kilobytes) Credits: The original author's name is ancientgammoner and he made the original plugin, which disappeared along with SpacePort. He has 800 votes on his Reddit thread. License: I grant everyone the worldwide, irrevocable, nonexclusive right to use, reproduce, publish, display, modify, sublicense, and distribute FloorIt.dll at no cost with or without credit.
Clean side-by-side parts comparisons (in a consistent manner)
longbyte1 replied to PTNLemay's topic in KSP Fan Works
I'm not sure how difficult opening a .craft file is because nobody's ever made a script for that before. You can, however, import .mu part files with this plugin and they'll work out of the box with Blender Render. If you want to use Cycles, though, you have to do a bit more work. As for the kerbal, I guess you can land a capsule and EVA a kerbal right next to it so that you can measure the height in relation to the capsule. That should give you all the scaling information you need. Then just add the Kerbal image onto the Blender project (or draw the mesh manually, if you really want to) with the approximate scaling. There's a meters option in Blender as well if that helps you in any way. -
Clean side-by-side parts comparisons (in a consistent manner)
longbyte1 replied to PTNLemay's topic in KSP Fan Works
To reliably get a side view of an object, you need to use an orthographic projection instead of a perspective, FOV based view. The best way to do this is to import the object into Blender and use the numpad buttons to get the right view. The only downside to this approach is that you can't import Kerbals. Sorry -
Didn't we already have this same exact thread from the same exact user a while ago? Clearly not exact enough.
Community Mod Repository and The Majiir Challenge
longbyte1 replied to Majiir's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Is there any website set up yet? If this is to be successful, we must hurry and rally support before modmakers turn to Curseforge. -
They are probably like starfish, where if you cut off a limb it might grow into another Kerbal!
Oh, you should turn it on then.
This addon: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon The materials automatically get prepared for Blender Render, not Cycles, so I have to configure the materials manually.
I'm not very good with Blender since it's a very complicated program to use. But I'd like to prove to you that you don't need to pay for special programs to make good scenes. This first image is just a sort of a test early on when I was making the scene. Right now, it's not very KSP-related except for the rocket. This one, I'm actually launching the rocket. I haven't exactly perfected the fire yet, and the smoke's not obvious enough. You can see the rocket's blur. More to come soon...
Yeah, just search it in the Start menu's search bar and you'll see it.
Hmm.. strange. You should re-run the ClearType wizard and see if that fixes anything.
With Chrome, on any forum page here, press F12. Right-click on the italicized text and click Inspect element. There is a frame on the right that has a bunch of tabs. Click on Computed, and there should be some properties about fonts. Could you copy/paste those here?
NOMINAL SUBORBITAL MISSION PROCEDURES Step 1: Launch Step 2: Reentry Step 3: Detachment from vessel Step 4: Drogue parachute deployment Step 5: Landing Step 6: ??? Step 7: Profit! Subject survives. Any necessary additions to my optional Thrillmasterâ„¢ training module? We would like to give Jebediah a specialized and intense experience during reentry so that he can stop complaining about how he's not allowed to open the hatch during reentry. (Note to future self: this is supposed to be a joke.)
[AnyOS] KSP Mod Admin v2 - Mod install with a few clicks
longbyte1 replied to MacTee's topic in KSP1 Tools and Applications
Does this have (or is ever going to have) auto-installation when a new version of a plugin is out? I like mod managers, but when a new version of KSP is out, I have to go and download everything... manually... again... Or at least that's the case in Minecraft mods. -
(Updated) Mikiliner 747-3, a stock airliner for KSP
longbyte1 replied to jmiki8's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Very nice! I like the quad engines; it really sells it. If you could only replace the nosecone with a docking port... oh yes... What I don't like, however, is that the wings are placed a bit too low, so you end up landing with half a plane.