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Everything posted by longbyte1

  1. Not bad. Not bad at all... EDIT: umm, how do you take this thing off?
  2. Quite frankly, the model looks an SAS module strapped glued to a sawed-off radial engine body (the one with cowls). I think the model should look a bit more dynamic in shape so that it doesn't look like a big cylinder. Also, it doesn't sound very good at 100% throttle.
  3. Dang man, how is it that you can just stick orange tanks to anything and send it to orbit? That's awesome
  4. Name one guy who has made a video on getting 6000 science on his second mission.
  5. I wouldn't say it's a bug in KSP itself, but just a flaw when the terrain for each body was made.
  6. I'm pretty sure he can import it directly to Unity as long as he exports his models to a compatible 3D format (FBX, COLLADA, 3DS, DXF and OBJ). But if he wants to import complete with textures and all, he'll have to use COLLADA or Autodesk's own FBX.
  7. How is progress on the plugin? Usually development goes quickly initially, but then activity kind of dies down.
  8. How can I have multiple .mu-imported objects without the other objects having the first object's material?
  9. "New Destination," "Sunrise on Duna," and "Exploring the ring" all have pretty pixelated images. Don't see them? Notice the jagged edges on Jool.
  10. Awesome! This sounds like something somebody's bound to put in a video. MIDI? Edit: Never mind, downloaded Lilypond.
  11. Nice, but you should get some higher resolution images to superimpose. I see that they're pretty pixelated
  12. Ah. Come on. *bangs head against desk* Please make an effort to develop multiplayer. If not, then I will not have something to look forward to in KSP.
  13. This art is so good that it depresses me.
  14. You'll have to contact Squad for that.
  15. People want to play a game on an iPad, not just build a rocket on it. If you tell them that you have to play the game on PC, not many people will install the app, and making the app will have been a waste of time.
  16. I see that many suggestions about buildings have to do with modifying the scenery. Why not give the control to the modders? With custom scenery, modders will be able to place custom buildings in the Space Center, fill the area around KSC with buildings and houses, and make new airfields and bases where planes and other spacecraft can land. The answer is not "Why?" but "Why not?"
  17. Me neither, I just know that you can convert video files to .BIK with RAD Video Tools (should be free).
  18. Also add some noise (just with low volume) and save the sound as a .mp3 with a low bitrate (~64-8kbps) for extra realism. Sample (done with tts, mp3 is done intentionally): sample5.mp3 For screen recording, you might want to take a look at Open Broadcaster Software: http://obsproject.com/
  19. I like it. How long does it take to reach orbital velocity though?
  20. Challenge accepted... I was somewhat inspired by the air intake abuse and made a bit smaller plane. Pics are here: http://postimg.org/gallery/zli5wpq/ On runway: Max speed (2296.5 m/s indicated, 2287 m/s on post-flight, beating clapanse and soo cloose to beating pinolallo): Landing (out of fuel): In SPH: Some of you may be asking what that thing on the bottom is for. It's just a booster to raise the jet a few meters above the ground so that it can perform a more nominal takeoff. I guess you can take off without it, but that would involve skidding across the runway, and I haven't tried it out. No .craft file yet!
  21. Let me make this short and sweet. The DRDH (Domestic Rendezvous and Docking Hauler) is a small, multipurpose spacecraft able to dock with a space station (but it's kinda hard to dock with its own kind). It's inspired by Scott Manley's 4-engine atomic lander. My lander uses 3 engines. It has a decent launch vehicle that consists of a simple liftoff stage, an orbital stage, an optional payload stage, and then the lander itself. It has plenty of fuel to go to the Mun, but make sure there is a well-stocked space station in LKO for a full fuel tank. The TWR is a bit low on the lander, so it is recommended that you put down the legs while landing and/or activate the parachutes. Currently, 1 activates the lander engines. Screenies: The full launch system in the VAB A crash. Note that everything was destroyed except for the command pod! Some more images: More to come! Download: http://filesmelt.com/dl/VPL-01.craft
  22. We'll probably colonize the Moon in this century if not Mars, but we'll soon have web servers in an Earth orbit and possibly on the Moon. Talk about information at the speed of light! Someone's bound to invent a "get across the solar system quick, easy, and cheap" method of space travel, and that will surely get us on Mars pretty quick. I don't know about transferring energy through beams. It's probably being developed, but that will make space colonies grow much faster. In the distant future, humans will become very diverse in culture. They will overcome most challenges that the Universe does. However, they will face many more risks than ever before. Probability can predict the probability of a race's survival, but it cannot accurately predict how far it will prosper.
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