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Everything posted by longbyte1

  1. Android. Recently my carrier pushed 5.0 (Lollipop) on the Galaxy S4. I do not understand why Google devs are going out of their way to try to copy off Apple's flat design UI. (Ironically, it was originally Microsoft that started the revolution with Windows 8. Actually, I don't even know anymore.) 5.0 also restricted a bunch of permissions to superuser only, which is bad news for battery watchers and the like. Soon I will have to go out of my way to flash CyanogenMod.
  2. Here's my flag: Everyone can see it right? No? Flags are a silly idea. Certainly there are more intelligent and effective ways to express the human race's existence on other planets so that aliens don't go trying to study this anomalous object that's probably going to decay in only 250 years.
  3. Yuck, Vista. If you are a brave individual you can try Windows 7, but in my opinion Linux ages better on old hardware. While I would usually suggest Ubuntu as the distro, but I'm sure there are some distros out there that need some love.
  4. LCD has been present in my whole life and I think I still have perfectly good vision. What's worked best for me: Good lighting - try not to have a sharp contrast between the brightness of your monitor and the lighting in your room. Natural light and a close window work best. Keep your distance from the monitor. Laptops and phones force you to be close to them in order to see anything, which is why I use my desktop above any other electronic. Take 5 m breaks, look at nature. Easy to do if you are a daydreamer who tends to walk around while you eat
  5. My exams will finish in 60 years. They're testing me real hard...
  6. You would still be able to say "yes" and continue the submission but it would just set aside the warning for only the people who need to read it. A permaban on the second attempt sounds like you have a personal grudge against the masses.
  7. Actually, I just had an idea. Is it possible to detect .craft files inside the zip file after upload and interrupt the submission process with a warning/dialog?
  8. Don't private message people that .craft files are not allowed. Just put a big sign that says, "Upload your .craft files to KerbalX, not here!" (Although I really do think that KerbalX should merge with Kerbal Stuff.)
  9. Do Kerbals still have a skin color of #BADA55?
  10. I've never used or installed vB on my own web server, but I am usually very disappointed by the small number of plugins available in the forum. The reason why there are so few plugins is because most forum admins usually either pay money to a company to have these features added in or just hack in support themselves (since it's just PHP).
  11. Can't we add a notice next to the quick reply menu for replies that are older than 60 days?
  12. So after the server migration, the link to the forums I've been using for 2 years now was invalidated (https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/forum.php, now returns 404). I remembered just now that that was supposed to redirect me to forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com, but it's strange that the browser didn't warn me that I was stepping down from HTTPS to HTTP for all this time. When I tried connecting to the forums (the subdomain) through HTTPS, the connection is simply refused. So why is there SSL for the entire KSP main website but not the forums? Just too expensive to buy a cert, or is there a technical complication?
  13. Impressive! In only eight months we have already won over the grasp of Curse! How many visitors a day are there?
  14. I don't criticize QA for anything; they aren't even paid anything and are forced to keep details of the game secret. Many of them do not even have personal ties with any of the developers. But a wider community should also be given a proper chance to participate in bug squashing before the bugs are left in a public release. And if the version is bug-free, then those testers will be sure to keep their lips even tighter. Also, why aren't the "stock bug fix modules" pushed up to the main game yet? It's not helping the developers if they're not accepting the help..
  15. Sure it would only take 300 days to get to 1 c. But... the energy requirements for acceleration increase as you get closer to the speed of light. So matter can theoretically get to 0.999999999999999999999999 c but never reach 1.00000000000 c without expending the entire energy of the universe.
  16. Imagine if PhysX released a new version for higher-end GPUs that simulated relativistic and subatomic physics...
  17. Well they're just the ribbons that you gave yourself. Not really art.
  18. Anyone willing to see what happens when you make a new thread, or if it even errors out?
  19. It's not a bug; there's a separate thread for the article that you see in the news column and the thread in the Announcements subforum.
  20. Obviously the new members caused the release of 1.0..
  21. Just lucky, I guess. I haven't seen any physics changes in the changelog since this isn't really Squad's thing.
  22. I want those physics bugs FIXED.
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