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Beechwood Chip

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Everything posted by Beechwood Chip

  1. Thanks! I responded in my original post, to keep the thread neat.
  2. KSP crashes on me, usually when I load a save file (F9 or alt-F9), or when I switch to a station in orbit from the tracking station. But, it's not consistent and I can't reliably reproduce it. Often, the same action works fine after restarting KSP. I don't think it's out of memory, because my resource monitor shows 2 gb free when it crashes. I can't figure out how to read the crash diagnostics to find out which mod is causing the problem. I'd really appreciate some help tracking down and fixing this. Windows 7, 64 bit KSP Windows Player x64 en-us All files including complete mod list with versions, ship files, save files, and a crash folder are in this zip file: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~chip/test/crash.zip Let me know if I left out any useful information. 2017-12-10 is the saved game, and 2017-12-30_212056 is the folder generated when KSP crashed. "quicksave" and "Ayrie I & Phoenix II docked" are saves that I often have trouble restoring. Thanks in advance. --- Chip Thanks for responding, linuxgurugamer, According to the process list, it was using 2,697,736 k when it crashed. There should have been about 2.3 g available above that. This is according to the Windows "Task Manager". I tried rebooting and running KSP by itself. It crashed at exactly the same point, at about the same size, with about 3 g free memory. Also, I forgot to mention that it often crashes when I exit (alt-F4), but that's less annoying.
  3. I've been messing with the same basic lifter design for a while. I've flown it manually from lift-off to docking with a station a few times, and now I just use mechjeb ascent/rendezvous/docking. I've done it dozens of times. I usually disable RCS until orbit, then turn it on for the rendezvous and docking. I decided to replace my place anywhere linear RCS ports and RV-105s with retractible resistojet RCS curved and inline arcjet RCS, which use hydrazine. So, I replaced my FL-R1 with an X200-8 full of hydrazine. The problem is that I run out of hydrazine immediately. I leave RCS disabled until I'm ready to dock, then enable RCS and the docking autopilot. The RCS jets go for about 2 seconds and burn all the hydrazine. I can just go back to using the monoprop RCS jets, but I figure there must be some way to use the hydrazine RCS jets effectively. What am I doing wrong? Here's my ship and mod list.
  4. In Low Kerbin Orbit, the green line indicating the comm link always goes vertically down from my craft into the ocean or land directly below it. This happens with both a rocket and a spaceplane, so I don't think it's a problem with the vehicle. I'm running Windows x64 version . I start a new game in sandbox mode. "Enable Comm Network" is checked (green), and I check "Require Signal for Control" and "Plasma Blackout". I uncheck "Enable Extra Ground Stations". In earlier games the lines went to the nearest ground stations, but I don't know what caused the change. I added and upgraded a bunch of modes when I decided to try Kerbalism. I'm hoping it's just an option I can change, rather than having to start with a fresh install and add mods one at a time. [ Update: A fresh install from my zip file with no mods works as expected. CommNet links to nearest ground station. If I turn off extra ground stations, then link breaks when vessel is out of range of KSC, as expected. Guess I'll start adding mods to see if/when it breaks. ]
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